As to cost of vehicle, you can get much better prices than what you typically see on the market if you are just willing to be patient. For both my XJ and my Cummins I spent well over a year each watching Craigslist. The "deals" are not out there day in and day out. You have to be alert and ready. But if you are alert and ready and take your time then you can get a killer deal.
But most of this world seems to be obsessed with instant gratification. Instant gratification and killer deals are largely mutually exclusive. Instant gratification comes with a premium.
The other way to get a good deal is market timing. That is what I did with the Suburban. I bought it in '08 when gas was $5/gallon and folks were desperate to unload those monsters. I went for the biggest gas hog I could find: 3/4 ton, 4x4 and 8.1L. Nobody wanted that thing. It was on a dealer's lot and they knew they couldn't move it and I knew they couldn't move it. I still spent 2 months beating them down on price. Again patience is helpful.
Good point - patience is a virtue. Besides , the hunt can be fun. I spent two years finding my Rover. Since I had never owned one, let alone drive one, I sought out the help of a reliable broker as well. He helped me in knowing what to ask and look for. He helped me determine what I was want in the rig and expected out of it.
This is the main reason I push for anyone wanting an "adventure" vehicle, or "BOV", or "4x4", that has never owned one before, buy cheap and make it yours. When your able to, and wanting to go with something else you can pass your rig onto another newbie.
Too many times people just throw butt loads of money at the biggest, newest, baddest rig on the market thinking "this is what I need to do this" and end up making a huge mistake and ending up in horrible dept.
Just my 2¢...