Dispersed camping north of Moab south of I-70

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Parker Grimes

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Traveler I

I am planning a trip to Moab and I am hoping to camp on BLM land between I-70 and Moab. Wondering if anybody has any good recommendations for dispersed camping spots on BLM land in that area? For reference the area I am looking at is between Highway 191 and the Arches National Park border. There are two mountain bike trail systems one at Klondike Bluff and the other called the Moab Brand trails. Part of my overland trip will be to hit these trail systems and I would like to camp nearby if possible. I know there are some designated camp sites in the Gemeni Bridges area, but I would like to avoid that side of the highway and would prefer dispersed camping.

Many thanks. I’m new here. Looking forward to the forum shared knowledge.

Parker Grimes

Rank I
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Traveler I

With a some heavy research, I think I’ve answered my own question with at least two options. One spot near Klondike Bluff and one about a mile north of the Moab Brand trails. The site near Moab Brand trails is listed as an official BLM free camping spot and it looks like a nice dispersed camping area. The other one near Klondike Bluff looks like there may be some decent options and I found some photos of some other overlanders that camped in the area. I have a Gaia link to share, but I’m too new for the forum to allow me to share a link. I guess if anyone is interested they can message me.
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Hey Parker, I'm new here as well. Actually came here to gather info/intel on the Moab area. Trying to head out that way in Oct...I plan to come in from the area you are discussing. However, I am looking at camping on the east side of the park, Lost Spring Canyon area. After that, I am trying to find dispersed camping somewhere off 128...any recommendations would be welcomed.