Didn't go overland this weekend, I went underland...

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Mike G

Rank VI
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Traveler III

San Jose, CA
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@maktruk That doesn't look too bad, I think that will buff right out. jk :grinning:
You may want to just push it out using hot water and or a heat gun. Check out the Youtube videos on how to remove dents from plastic bumpers.



Rank V
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Pathfinder I

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That was exactly the pla n, just need to work on removing the fender liner, never done it before...

As to what happened, it was simply a really soft, sandy downhill slope with wooden posts on either side. I hit the brakes but I was in 4HI so the ABS was still active and decided I didn't need as much brake as I told it I did...


Rank V
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Pathfinder I

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Getting to that point was tricky. My buddy has my DeWalt impact, so 24 breaker bar sessions and a few hi-lift sessions later, I was cleaning out and rotating all the wheels. The minute I dropped the last tire to the ground the rain started. WIN!