Traveler II

This months (December) installment of the monthly meetup is going to be camping in the Cascades! I hope you can join us for an exciting time!
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Traveler II
Enthusiast III
Member I
Enthusiast I
Enthusiast I
Enthusiast I
Steward I
Steward I
Traveler II
Unfortunately I don't have my ham license yet.I'll try to get there Friday afternoon and will leave Sunday afternoon/evening. Anyone have ham, FRS, or GMRS radios?
Enthusiast I
Can’t wait, It’ll be good to meet some of you!I’m in for Friday and Saturday nights!
Enthusiast I
Kids, dogs everybody is welcome!I\'m stoked! Same with my wife. Dogs ok? Kids? The dog is more behaved than the kid (he is is 13). If not, he has no objections to \"become one with the couch\".
Steward I
Yes, all of the above, and CB. Half looking for an easy summit for a possible SOTA activation, not an absolute, but I am thinking about it.Anyone have ham, FRS, or GMRS radios?
Traveler II
Traveler II
Steward I
I think the channel (CB5) is mentioned on the rally point page. It also looks like 146.46 is the accepted ham 2 meter simplex frequency, found this in the bootcamp page. And for reference, the first post from that page.That sounds like a good idea to me. I didn't even know we had one of those.
Member I