Dotting the final is and crossing the final ts. My wife is reliant on pre gabelin for her neck issues. Her prescription is 90 days and strictly regulated. How are refills dealt with after the first 90 days if we are changing locations. The prescription can be filled once, for example in Portland Maine, then refilled in Baton Rouge La., then the script must be re written to the next location, wherever that might be. Which means her doctor would have to re write the prescription at least every 6 months and quite possibly every 90 days after the second transfer. CVS and the insurance company does not understand what we are doing, so instead of being helpful they are stonewalling our questions and not helping to find a viable solution. Anyone else navigated a scenario like this successfully,? Thanks.
Kind of. I have a prescription that refills every 90 days. I use Walgreens. As you know, prescriptions are now specific to ONE STORE :( I sometimes want to switch between Walgreens though, sometimes for nearest, sometimes for a further 24hr one when I'm in town late only. All I do is call the doctor's office, and the front desk help can just RESEND the prescription to the new Walgreens. No NEW prescription required, no new doctor visit or fee, takes her about 2 minutes to do, which they are happy to do for free. My 9 mo prescription got refilled at 3 diff Walgreens without renewal.
I did the same thing for a prescription that was difficult to find supply for. I would call 10 local Walgreens, find the ones who said they had it (they don't talk to each other's inventory very well), the call my doctor office and have them swap me to that Walgreens. 30 min later drive over and I'd be in their system for pickup.
I talked to pharmacist at Walgreens for some time, this is the only way to switch refill locations without a new prescription, and he told me the doctor's office must initiate the refill location switch... it has worked like a charm.