Columbia National Wildlife Refuge?

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Enthusiast I

Pullman, WA, USA
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Hi folks

I’m headed to Othello, WA for the Sandhill Crane Festival next weekend, and I’m keen to spend some time exploring the 4x4 trails I see in the nearby wildlife refuge (see attached).

I’m having a hard time finding meaningful intel on these trails, or recommendations.

I’m headed out solo so would welcome input from anyone with experience in the area.




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Kennewick, WA
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I don't have too much info on this area since I haven't been out there in a long time. There's a bunch of little lakes, some hiking trails and some cool rock formations. Been so long since I've been out there (10-15 years) I couldn't even point you in the right direction to find any of it. It would be better to hit it in a month or 2 when it greens but if you're already in the area might as well check it out to see if it's worth a return trip. I'm pretty sure everything on the map is gravel roads and most of the trails and 2 tracks have been blocked off. Years back dumping got pretty bad out there so they gated sections and blocked access to others, not sure what all is still open. I've been wanting to go cruise around out there so let me know what you find and if it's worth a trip.
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Rank I

Enthusiast I

Pullman, WA, USA
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I don't have too much info on this area since I haven't been out there in a long time. There's a bunch of little lakes, some hiking trails and some cool rock formations. Been so long since I've been out there (10-15 years) I couldn't even point you in the right direction to find any of it. It would be better to hit it in a month or 2 when it greens but if you're already in the area might as well check it out to see if it's worth a return trip. I'm pretty sure everything on the map is gravel roads and most of the trails and 2 tracks have been blocked off. Years back dumping got pretty bad out there so they gated sections and blocked access to others, not sure what all is still open. I've been wanting to go cruise around out there so let me know what you find and if it's worth a trip.
Thanks! Will give the office a call for some intel too, and report back what we find.