Central Arkansas Meet and Greet went awesome! Thank you to everyone who showed up and participated. We had some great conversations laced with some trash talk between the Toyota and Jeep guys which always makes it more fun. Great stories of "hold my beer and watch this" to some great overlanding trips. It was dark and freaking cold but we managed to fight through it to see the rigs and swap build stories.
Putting faces with real names and screen names is always a chore but we managed through it. We plan on having more of these in the future and some get togethers for sure!
Please respond if you want to be added the list so you can stay in "the know!"

And Robert wrote on the napkin where I can't read it. @Tacominator351 I think lol.
Thanks guys for coming! We will get together again soon! Please take the poll and check what you would like to do. Also please comment if you have other ideas. We are pretty much open to anything at all. I know @ArkansasTerry has a ride coming up he will be getting with everyone about in February. I also plan on putting some dedicated trash runs together for different trails. I would also like to have "Breakfast on the Trail" every month or every other month where we can get together and call cook up our favorite breakfast items and have a buffet like meal while we get together hang out and just have a good time. Just an idea of mine that I like to do already anyways.
Thanks again guys. I look forward to 2018!
Putting faces with real names and screen names is always a chore but we managed through it. We plan on having more of these in the future and some get togethers for sure!
Please respond if you want to be added the list so you can stay in "the know!"

And Robert wrote on the napkin where I can't read it. @Tacominator351 I think lol.
Thanks guys for coming! We will get together again soon! Please take the poll and check what you would like to do. Also please comment if you have other ideas. We are pretty much open to anything at all. I know @ArkansasTerry has a ride coming up he will be getting with everyone about in February. I also plan on putting some dedicated trash runs together for different trails. I would also like to have "Breakfast on the Trail" every month or every other month where we can get together and call cook up our favorite breakfast items and have a buffet like meal while we get together hang out and just have a good time. Just an idea of mine that I like to do already anyways.
Thanks again guys. I look forward to 2018!