With regards to antennas. The higher the better. Smack dab in the middle of the roof is king.
Since that's usually not practical, try to keep it away from significant metal structures (A,B,C Pillars)
Longer antennas work better than shorter antennas.
a 102" whip is one of the best options honestly but that's 8' long and kind of obnoxious. The trails I drive on, that simply doesn't work.
I look at CB as a pretty significant compromise. The receivers have exceptionally wide front ends, which makes them susceptible to all sorts of noise. They rarely have an RF Gain control so if your truck generates a lot of RF, it's easy to lose a valid signal as your noise floor is elevated. Finally it's hard to think of a worse mode for 4watts of power than AM.
All that aside. If you look up a Ham Radio Club in your city, and go with an open mind. You're likely to find one or two guys who are willing to put your CB on a watt meter, and maybe even a spectrum analyzer for you. This will tell you for sure if the radio is doing what it's supposed to. Those same hams will likely evaluate your antenna, and offer suggestions.
Don't be discouraged if some of the hams you talk to are put off by the idea of working on a CB. The truth is most are willing to help. If you were near Austin I'd be happy to help, but that's a hell of a commute. :)