there are several threads about defining "overlanding" and after this definition of overlanding is "travel and camping as far from campgrounds as possible"
On the other hand, in such a place, I think your training on subs was of great value :)
Yep, I started to do this whole thing just to avoid cities and crowds.
In Europe you have good and bad camp sites, depends on the country and local style of camping, and depends of the season as well. Second half of july and august are the worst.
. In the most touristy places close to the the sea or ocean, July, August can be pretty bad. This year, because I got the vehicle a week before the holiday, camping wild was not an option, was not prepared properly for that, so in some places I even opted to go to an airbnb after I saw some camp sites. I was able to find accommodations in some villages, a whole house with yard all to myself, just a bit more expensive than a campsite, because they were located in some remote vilages far off the beaten track., which is fine for me.
In some parts of Europe you simply have no option as wild camping is forbidden. But if you look, in general you find some good camp sites.
In Portugal, I found a camp site in the middle of nowhere with only 20 spots, managed by a couple who are into all green things, so they offer minimum power, no facilities for RV 's and the space between the spots is crazy big, even 100m . It was the closest thing to wild camping without being wild camping that I ever saw. But this is rare.
Nothing beats a nice wild spot though.
Next year I will do better.