I'm sure everyone has a few Camp Site Tips and Tricks they use to make their trips more enjoyable, so I thought I would start this thread. Post anything you think would help out any newbies and experienced campers.
Influencer II
Influencer II
I use these lines for my dogs. I attach one end to my recovery point and the other on a tree. Use carabiners to connect their leash to the line. This gives them 100 feet to run and explore so I don't always have to keep an eye on them. Takes a quick glance down the line and you know what your pet is up to!Every run into or trip over tent lines or a clothes line in the dark while camping? If so, you should pick some reflective rope. I picked up 50' at Home Depot for $3.00. They also sell a thicker rope at 0.10 cents a foot and it also come in florescent lime green.
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Influencer II
Member III
I like this. May have to pick up a pair for the rig.Found this on the T4R forum. This window sock would be great for the people who sleep inside their vehicles. Lets the fresh air in and bugs out. (will also help vent out the bad air)
View attachment 5465
I worry about this every time I camp, but with the exception of certain obvious high-value items (any electronics, guns if I've brought them of course), I've always left my camp set during day excursions. It's a gamble, I guess, but I've yet to have anything stolen. I usually camp in the same spot for multiple days, so re-packing daily isn't really an option.I have a question and it might seem stupid to most on here but I am new to overlanding. So when you find your spot to setup camp and you do so accordingly... do you just leave your camp site stuff setup when you leave later that day or the next morning to explore in your rig or do you pack up everything every time you leave the site so nothing gets stolen?
Influencer II
Advocate II
That's the attitude I've always had, but I'm getting more cynical these days...Granted if anyone gets where I'm camping they are typically kindred spirits and have the mutual respect that I have for other's stuff I guess...
Influencer II
I hear ya. I'm sure at some point my luck will run out but I'm still throwing those dice out there. At the end of the day if 1 or 2 things get stolen in all the years I spend out in the bush then that's a small price to pay I guess. My most expensive items are the tents and I don't see people stealing a 90 lb tent full of sleeping gear, lol. I will sure be pissed though if ANYTHING gets stolen and will be on a mini-warpath for a while though, lol.That's the attitude I've always had, but I'm getting more cynical these days...