Bottle jack questions...

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Rank VI

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Los Angeles, CA, USA
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I've heard a few stories in my research about bottle jacks not doing well after being stored horizontally for extended periods of time. It screws with something in the hydraulics, and won't perform correctly/seize up.

Has anyone here had issue with this?

Is there a certain way you like to store your bottle jack?

Perhaps the instances I read about were flukes, and not likely.

Input appreciated!


Rank V
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Enthusiast III

Macho Grande
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In the past, I have had vehicles that came with OEM bottle jacks mounted horizontally. No worries. All my current vehicles came with oem scissor jacks.

That said, I have read about several bottle jack failures due to oil leaking while horizontal. This may be due to cheaper chinese jacks on the market.

I would say look for a quality bottle jack and download the instructions to see what the manufacturer says about storage and mounting.

Good luck, TR