Being that it was somewhat of a test tire I felt the compound in the lugs were very soft. Too soft for street and I'm sure that will change with the release of the public tire.
That being said I think they will be a great tire. So far people are really liking the K02 and sidewalk improvements, the KM3 will have the new sidewall with a chance in center lugs. This will make the tire heavier than the KM2, but I'm ok with it for more overall strength.
I'm not claiming this is the best tire ever, there are other great brands out there that perform great and do well were these or others may lack. I see people say K02s don't do great in very icy areas and that's probably true. Being in CA that doesn't affect me in any way.
Back to KM3s, these tires are getting the same hard treatment from BFG in various applications to see how thy perform.
I have to give it to BFG for really having a big part in the Offroad industry and creating tires that fit those areas. They have give these to Jeeps for rock crawling to testing in Baja racing and highway miles.
I may be bias here but seeing how much BFG spends in time and money on development for an Offroad tire blows my mind. Having dedicated tires for rock crawling, rally, desert racing makes for a huge amount of data and feedback from those areas. Then go and make a AT and Mt to meet in the middle for your average vehicle we all drive.
For some background living in 'norcal' I've run a few slow crawling trail, and I think the popular tires seen are MTRs, Toyos, and KM2s. They all do great in these trails and rocks, I've ran MTRs on my previous jeep and loved them! They got me plenty of traction thru rubicon at 8psi, deep snow at 5psi, and the Baja silt at 25psi.
And then I went to chase in Baja for a few years now..,. holy cra* what a test ground for equipment that is! Between 800-1100 miles of rattle and brake anything loose terrain. Highway, sand, silt, rock gardens, huge rocks, mud, etc all in one race, all while doing 5-100+mph, all in 2wd. So tires have to hold to some absurd abuse.
This is where I like manufacturers putting their products to the test. Main players we see are Toyo and BFG, Toyo makes a damn good MT for the weekend warrior or dedicated offroad rig.
I think these KM3s will do the same and do great on our daily vehicles. They have held up to some serious abuse for over a year on offroad vehicles and I will be getting a set once my KM2s wear out.
Sorry for the long post and not sure I wrote down correctly what I had in my head. In concluding thoughts, yes I think they will hold up for everyday use
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