Influencer II
So I am not sure what is going on with my truck lately.. It has factory dual batteries that are just over 3 years old. This past weekend I went camping and the truck was parked with no accessories draining the truck batteries. When I went to start the truck, after 3 days of camping, the truck barely started. So I thought maybe my batteries were going dead. Well after that trip I let the truck sit without starting it for 5 days. On the 5th day I fired it and it started right up. I figured if it struggled to start after 3 days Then it should have struggled after 5. I do know I need to clean the battery cables and posts which I will do but does anyone have any ideas what would have caused this issue in the desert? I don't concern myself with it much since I carry an xp10 jumper battery just for reasons like this. Thanks for any help you can provide.