Off-Road Ranger I
Eric, I just recorded another track along the Borderlands this past weekend and marked out a few campsites and such. Here's the data in case you are interested: https://www.gaiagps.com/datasummary/track/54dd343c619849ae7b25e53f9c2ef0ec/Our plan is to either stay south along or near the border for another couple of nights...
Last minute invite: If anybody is interested, we're gonna head out this coming Friday - Sunday for some post-thanksgiving exploration along the Borderlands. Route is undecided yet, but i'm thinking something like Bisbee (or maybe just Sierra Vista) to somewhere in the Tohono O’odham Nation via dirt roads and trails. If there's interest, i'll come up with a more formal plan, otherwise I think we're just gonna be winging it as we go. I have a long term project I've been working on of mapping out a nice complete east <-> west AZ Borderlands overland route so this will be just more scouting for that thing.