Yesterday was a crap day, never broke 40F, rained all day, a few flurries as it got dark. NOT READY FOR WINTER! Grrr. Today - as we know Mother Nature is bipolar - it hit almost 70, was overcast but dry. Windshield still hasn't arrived, ran to the hardware store (~30 miles away) and on the way back, hit a detour for a road race. This is rural Maine, when they say "ya caint get theyuh from heyuh," they mean it. What should have been a 90 minute jaunt ended up a little over 4 hours, the "detour" took me miles in the opposite direction before hitting a road I could use to get back home. Fun times. That left me with less time than I had hoped for the day, but I did get something accomplished. I had started the rack in the spring, then abandoned it to finish up more pressing things. Today, it got its place in the sun (clouds?). I deliberately left the center open to discourage my automatic tendency to over-pack, over-load everything. Figured if I limited my space, I might be more mindful of what I bring along (says the guy with a microwave in the cabin...).

Needed to get some heavy crimpers to do the ends for the house battery, those should be here on Tuesday, along with a new regular crimper (die-type) so I can do the wiring this week, and hopefully the windshield :(

Needed to get some heavy crimpers to do the ends for the house battery, those should be here on Tuesday, along with a new regular crimper (die-type) so I can do the wiring this week, and hopefully the windshield :(