Off-Road Ranger I
Off-Road Ranger I
I have the same question long time ago until my buddy introduce me to hunting and that changed my perspective.Why do you want to kill all the things many of us go overlanding to see and photograph? We drive for miles and miles without seeing anything bigger than a squirrel. I just don’t understand why you want to kill all the big beautiful wildlife. If you want meat...why don’t you just go to the store and buy it? A real outdoorsman should want to preserve what little wildlife is left for future generations to enjoy instead of just killing it.
Why do you want to kill all the things many of us go overlanding to see and photograph? We drive for miles and miles without seeing anything bigger than a squirrel. I just don’t understand why you want to kill all the big beautiful wildlife. If you want meat...why don’t you just go to the store and buy it? A real outdoorsman should want to preserve what little wildlife is left for future generations to enjoy instead of just killing it.
Enthusiast III
Hunters are the most vested in the conservation of wildlife. We have paid for most of it in this country. I love the animals and respect them, but know hunting them is necessary. If done correctly, as it is in this country, hunting is helping animals. And, it feeds me well.I don't want to get into a big debate about it because nothing will be resolved. I have friends and family that enjoy hunting and they are good people, but it doesn't mean that I don't give them grief about it and try to get them to try hunting and shooting with cameras instead of guns. I just like exploring wilderness areas across the country and get really frustrated when I see so much flora and so little if any fauna...that's all. The lack of fauna isn't the fault of only hunters...its the fault of humans as a whole (me included) and our lack of commitment to preserving what we have for us to enjoy and future generations to enjoy as well.
Enthusiast III
Sorry dude but you have 0 understanding of why there are still animals left or conservation in general. It’s ****ed up but the reason animals aren’t extinct in this country is because hunters pay for the management of the populations.I’ve been hunting 5 years, have put tons of time and money into gear (which benefits wildlife btw) and tags and haven’t killed any big game yet, and most people don’t any given year. It extremely hard to hunt in the west. Mountain bikers, hikers, most off-roaders/overlanders don’t contribute to anything but a camp site. Hunting pays the way to having massive populations of wildlife that we nearly killed off when we first colonized. I spend a month out of the year trying to kill elk and deer, sometimes a bear. It’s going to bum me out hard core when I finally get one, I’m a huge animal person but guess what? I eat meat, so I should have to experience the death involved in eating it. Sending an arrow through the heart of an animal is far more humane that what they do to get your grocery store steak to you.Why do you want to kill all the things many of us go overlanding to see and photograph? We drive for miles and miles without seeing anything bigger than a squirrel. I just don’t understand why you want to kill all the big beautiful wildlife. If you want meat...why don’t you just go to the store and buy it? A real outdoorsman should want to preserve what little wildlife is left for future generations to enjoy instead of just killing it.
Influencer I
I've been hunting the elusive North American Split-Tail Beaver for decades. With mixed success. It's great exercise, good mental stimulation, and it's a renewable resource!
Oh, and I put a deer in the freezer every so often.... ;-)
Influencer I
Exactly!! Its as organic as they come! And you dont have to pay that organic premium at the store for fancy plastic wrap!Regulated hunting in North America saved the whitetail deer population. Period. Without laws, people aren’t going to stop at their state limit. They aren’t going to abide by the laws in place that distinguish “hunting” from “poaching”. There’s a difference. One is vital to a healthy game population. One destroys it.
There’s not a single cow or pig or chicken that has had a more free range, human free, chemical free life than the game that falls to a hunter’s rifle or shotgun.
Depends on where and how you hunt and process. Up in S. Dakota we hunted because it was a cheap way to get good meat. Down here it’s way different, I don’t want to think of how much it’s actually costing me compared to store bought. But knowing exactly where it came from and the overall experience is worth the price for me.Exactly!! Its as organic as they come! And you dont have to pay that organic premium at the store for fancy plastic wrap!
That's an awesome buck ! Love watching mule deer !View attachment 76950View attachment 76953
And a deer I shot with a camera and not an arrow outside of hunting season, for those that think hunters are just murderous monsters who want to do nothing but kill things.
View attachment 76954
Wow and you washed it too! Nice hunt!This was my first morning out. Happy for nature's gifts. View attachment 77621View attachment 77622View attachment 77623