For those members attending the Adventure Overland show later this month and wanting to set up on the club site, there is the opportunity to camp and enter the show with a complimentary pass in exchange for one hours marshalling each day (Saturday and Sunday) please read the below and email Tom with the information he needs to facilitate this.
Regarding the Marshals, I will need a list of names/postcodes of those participating in order that they can collect their complimentary passes at Check-in upon arrival at the racecourse.
Remember …
Each camping unit (this being a tent, caravan of sleeping in/on the vehicle) requires a Camping Permit @ £20, covering up to 3 nights Fri-Sun.
Each person then requires a a 2-day Adult Admission Ticket @ £30 each, covering Sat & Sun.
Each Marshal therefore will be eligible for a complimentary Camping Permit and a complimentary 2-day Adult Admission Ticket.
If a Marshal’s wife/girlfriend/mate arrives with the Marshal, he/she will have to pay £30 for a 2-day Adult Admission Ticket … unless they also want to be a Marshal, in which case they will also qualify for a complimentary 2-day Adult Admission Ticket.
This way each member can decide for themselves either to volunteer as a Marshal (just one hour per day Sat & Sun), or pay in the normal way. Their choice entirely.
Trust all this makes sense!
All this is because in the past you will get one genuine Marshal arrive with two or three passengers, and they all expected free tickets, yet they wouldn’t lift a finger all weekend, and had no intention of doing so from the start. In life you’ll always get bad apples, I have to make sure they don’t ruin the whole barrel and spoil it for others!
So … a list of names please. These will corresponded with the Marshal’s rota where your members will chose and enter on the board which Marshal’s task they would like to undertake and on what day & time. This way those who volunteer will know exactly their roles and when they are required.
Tom Mc
Tom McGuigan
Off Road UK
Mobile: 07958 216266