A little more adventure than we bargained for...

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Corey Carrico

Rank III
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Advocate I

Highlands Ranch CO
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Thanks for sharing...while I pack first aid and communications gear into the wilderness to be prepared; a collision with another vehicle has not been top of mind.


Rank V
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Off-Road Ranger I

West Michigan
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Jeez... glad you had the quick reaction & that didn't end up head to head! Great points made too, always helps to be reminded of them. Thanks for sharing despite what I'm sure is not a lot of fun to recount.


Rank V
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Member III

Sandy Eggo
Glad no one was seriously hurt.

Had that been me the Raptor driver probably would have been pulled from his wanna be baja rig and give a few extra bumps and bruises just to make sure he doesn't forget that he was endangering others lives with his stupidity. :rage:
My sentiments as well.

If you want to act like you own the entire road you had better be prepared to pay for it too.

I will be quite surprised if your rig isn't totalled. Building another from the ground up will probably mean a lot of time lost that could have been spent enjoying the previous rig. And no one is likely to do anything to make that up to you.

My condolences for what you have to go through to get back to where you were. And thank you for sharing.
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Rank II
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Traveler I

redmond, wa
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Glad you're ok. Sorry for the damage to your baby. I hope insurance treats you right.
Thanks for sharing the experience, a good reminder to go slow and go prepared. (rig outfitting and personal gear)

Mr E

Rank IV

Enthusiast III

Wowsers, thankfully you were in a car, what if it was a bike he was about to collide with!
Glad alls well, hopefully you'll be back out soon


Rank 0

Contributor I

Thank you for this post and best wishes to all for speedy recovery.

So, have you started your next build thread yet???

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk


Rank III

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Pala Mesa, San Diego County, CA, USA
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Service Branch
Glad you're ok. My former GF was hurt in almost the same scenario and almost died from the impact of a truck sliding around a blind turn into us at full speed. You drive as fast as you can see and always anticipate traffic/obstacles. Had we not had an emergency kit, fire extinguisher (my truck caught fire) and cell coverage who knows what would have happened. I'm all fine w/letting it rip when you have wide open spaces but in close quarters if you're that guy/girl, slow the fxxk down. I don't blame the truck (Raptor), I blame the driver. The truck does not make the driver, the driver makes the truck.
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Rank III
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Enthusiast III

Centennial, Colorado, 80016
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Ham/GMRS Callsign
Wow, hope everyone is recovering well.
Driving fast around blind corners without knowing what's ahead is reckless in my opinion, even if you think you are the only one on the road.
No need for “in my opinion”. It was very clearly reckless. Douchebag.