This is the Suburban I picked up this week. I had planned to start my build using a 97 Tahoe but since I plan to swap a Cummins 12v into it this summer we decided a 1500 was a no go so I went hunting for a 2500 Suburban, which took less then 12 hrs to find this one in great condition and everything works!!!! Except the tranny. Apparently the converter went out and he had it replaced but the yoyo that said he could do it had never heard that when you replace a converter you replace the front pump as well... the front pump went out within 2 hours of the converter being replaced. So in the next two weeks I will rebuild the tranny much stronger then original since it will be mated to a diesel.
I do have a question for you guys, I have done plenty of off roaring but not any overloading. I am considering an SAS on Subzilla (yes I christened her Subzilla) is an SAS necessary? Or is a lifted IFS good enough?
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