Member III
Thank's and heck yeah! (^=1st. Awesome build, great thread.
2nd. Can I go for a ride?
Member III
Thank's and heck yeah! (^=1st. Awesome build, great thread.
2nd. Can I go for a ride?
Member III
Thank you! Yeah man, that 205 was in the truck a week or 2 earlier when I was there grabbing some other stuff. I was totally shocked when I found it sitting there the day I bought it!dude sick build man. what a score on the 205. I have been looking for one myself or the better part of 2 years in the yards...nothing so far. my 208 is still going strong though so I suppose it can wait until I get some of your luck.
how do you like the holley? I just put a 670 offroad holley in my k5 build. honestly it seems like I lost some power from the edelbrock. its a much cleaner and smoother ride though.
Member III
Member III
Member III
Member III
Member III