7 Hour Plane Crash Trail

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Rank I

Enthusiast I

Door County, WI, USA
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I did the trail over Memorial Day weekend and that section was pretty bad. We made it a good chunk of the way before deciding to turn around. With no winch I figured that was a smart move. The rest of the trail was awesome.


Rank VI
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Member III

Caledonia, Illinois
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A word of caution. The section that's often talked about being muddy and often impassable just to the east of Big Sandy Lake in Northern Wisconsin is not featured on the Forest Service Motor Vehicle Map. It hasn't been legal to drive that section for many years.


Rank I

Contributor III

Wisconsin, USA
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Shouldn't have any problems with most of the trail. However, I'd highly recommend using caution on the section of trail off of Hwy A on Kaine Lake Road (forest road 2461) in northern Wisconsin. It's pretty rutted up and a creek has diverted onto the trail. My wife and I checked it out again a few weeks ago when we were exploring the Nicolet National Forest. It was pretty bad and we decided to turn around like we did last year.
Thanks for the info, we'll be sure to keep an eye out for that section.