4x in this potential shower of snow

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M Rose

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Does anyone know of some good areas to go and get down and dirty with this potential amount of snow fall?
Gold Camp Road, any where up Cheyenne Mountain, head to Cripple Creek,... then you have a lot of stuff south down by Penrose, Florence, Silverton, Salida... way down south you have Wolf Creek, Alamoso, and a few other towns with famous trails taking off into the San Juans. Head up north into Arapaho Basin, Aspen, Breck...

Take out a map of Colorado and a compass... draw a 1” circle around Colorado Springs and go... if you’re still unsure where to go... look at that mountain to your west... it’s full of trails... 7 years up there and I never explored them all, and never went down the same 2 track twice.

Spicy Taco

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Does anyone know of some good areas to go and get down and dirty with this potential amount of snow fall?
Gold Camp Road, any where up Cheyenne Mountain, head to Cripple Creek,... then you have a lot of stuff south down by Penrose, Florence, Silverton, Salida... way down south you have Wolf Creek, Alamoso, and a few other towns with famous trails taking off into the San Juans. Head up north into Arapaho Basin, Aspen, Breck...

Take out a map of Colorado and a compass... draw a 1” circle around Colorado Springs and go... if you’re still unsure where to go... look at that mountain to your west... it’s full of trails... 7 years up there and I never explored them all, and never went down the same 2 track twice.
I love this idea. Exactly what I need to be doing, just get lost in the mountains. I was thinking of cruising through gold camp to cripple creek. Thanks for the advice.
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Neal A. Tew

US Rocky Mountain Local Expert
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Pueblo West, CO
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If you have a full day, you could do the Gold Belt Tour out of Cripple Creek too:

Be on the lookout for a private message.