Thanks for the great tips folks. You make me think about me next big question- what do we do for personal safety? Critical with 3 young kids and a small dog.
First, I'd make sure that the adults always carry bear spray and the children and the dog not allowed to wander out of sight . The kids could all get a small air horn they could use for signaling and for possible bear protection.
I always walked around each campsite to look for recent bear sign. Situational awareness is your friend .
Canada is not big on self defense and you cannot carry pepper spray for self defense but can have bear spray. When asked at the border if I had bear spray and I replied yes I was reminded that I could not use it for self defense against people.
We only had one instance of dealing with sketchy people and that turned out to be just weird hippy types.
If you don't want to bring bear spray across the border you can that at Canadian Tire . You can get just about anything you have forgotten at Canadian tire . I brought bear spray and air horns with me and augmented my anti-bear arsenal with "bear bangers" .
Bear Bangers are a pen flare that shoots a noise maker towards the bear. They are a deterrent that has a bit of a standoff.
I had firearms with me but I was warned that I could not use them for self defense. Alaska is a different story and I had handguns waiting on me in Tok AK when I crossed.
I hope this helps.