2017 F250 with diamondback cover and RTT on top.

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Ross Hoffman

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Hey guys this is what I have going on so far with the pickup. The biggest hurdle I had with how I wanted this configuration was finding bed racks that I didn't have to drill in to the new cover or my truck bed. I did find one rack system, KB voodoo, but its design seemed to be lacking in strength. Also from what I could tell it looked like the rack actually relied on the cover as support as its brackets "rested" on the cover. Also I'm not big on having the rack/tent up high above the cab and I personally favor the more low profile, streamline look. Anyway, I dreamed up a little and started buying some iron. I am by no means some sort of master fabricator and have limited knowledge on a lot of things, but I do know how to use the basic stuff, including a welder. Also, I was a bit taken back by the price of some of these racks. I had already spent a good amount on the cover and tent so it was nice to put some of my skills and brain together to save me a few bucks. I bought 6ft lengths of just about everything(overkill) and the total for steel was ~$68 bucks, less than half the price of the cheapest rack I could find. I still need to tweak the mounting brackets and put a few coats of paint on it but I think it turned out fairly well. If anyone has questions or want to see more of the rack let me know!20190517_193554.jpg20190518_185411.jpg


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Burbank, CA, USA
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Looks great. I'm going to have to remember your boot storage solution.


Rank II

Enthusiast II

Burbank, CA, USA
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Thanks for the troll.
Sorry mate, no troll intended. I've not seen the idea of hanging your boots outside the tent as you have in the photo. I'm new to roof top tent camping and wasn't happy with having my boots in the tent I rented.