Member II
That's what I'm going back to, and I'll have it on Tuesday.Mike, maybe I missed it, but why not just run the stock fan? It just seems like a lot of complication.
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After really thinking things over last night I "think" I may know what's going on. I have another person tell me that when you replace the fan clutch you should replace the water pump at the same time. Without giving it much thought I said that our water pump only 5k miles on it so I know that's not the issue. After learning more about the fan clutch setup I know understand what that person was trying say.
Ever since our original clutch went out on the 5/13 nothing we've done has made a difference. When these clutches go out it causes the assembly to get out of balance, and they start to spin with a wobble. So if our failed original clutch was wobbling it was cause the bearing, and impeller to wobble as well. That will kill a water pump over time, and will cause high temps. Since I already have a brand new water pump I'm going to install that at the same time as the fan. Then everything related to the cooling system will be brand new.
If nothing changes that we decided last night that we're going to buy a used Ford Transit. One of our close friends is selling one for around $4k, and we'll put the Rover in storage until we're done. We're not going to give up on the Rover, but we're setting a certain amount of time figure it out. If that times runs then we move on so we don't cancel our trip.