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  1. Mike Dubya

    US Northwest Palouse Falls and Juniper Sand Dunes

    Join us for a day trip to visit Palouse Falls and Juniper Sand Dunes near Tri-Cities Washington View Rally Point
  2. Ceg

    US Northwest Juniper Dunes Clean Up

    Join Eastern Washington Off Road and others at the the Midnite Mudders annual "Juniper Dunes Clean Up" to pick up litter at Juniper Dunes. The Clean Up starts at 9:00 AM Saturday at the north end of Juniper Dunes Road. View Rally Point
  3. Burly

    US Northwest The \'Ride Home\' from PNW Overland Expo

    If anyone would like to join, I will be taking the BDR to get back home from the PNW overland Expo. I will be stopping off after about the halfway point. However you are more than welcome to jump off where ever is close to home for you. This is going to be somewhat quick trip considering we will...
  4. a12houk

    Cancelled Central Washington Cascades Cleanup & Exploration

    Tap in / Tap out - for any days that fit your schedule! We'll be exploring and picking up trash from north of Cle Elum to south of Rimrock 9:00 am Rally Points posted, or meet us at camp in the afternoon. View Rally Point
  5. RJ Howell

    Northward through Virginia

    This section was still using the MABDR as our guide. I did pass a couple sections due to the unknowns and the 'click' I picked up in the steering. It wasn't worsening yet still there if we bumped along a trail.. Again, we ran this solo so caution ruled. [tube]
  6. oldmopars

    US Northwest Washington Back Country Discovery Route July 5-10 2021

    Come explore Washington's great outdoors. The WABDR is a 575 mile route through scenic Washington. We start in Stevenson Wa. near the Bridge of the Gods and drive North through the lush green southern forests. Near Yakima we cross over the Cascades and venture into he high deserts and warn sunny...
  7. nmorpus

    Cancelled Washington BDR Overland Trip 2021

    First major overland trip of the year! We will be heading up the Washington BDR in June to either complete the route or get as far as we can. Because of the time-sensitivity of a long-range expedition, it is important that we get on the road on time. We will meet at Thunder Island Brewing Co. in...
  8. DIYTaco15

    US Northwest Vancouver Wa area meet up

    Im new to overlanding, and thought it would be a great idea to set up a time to meet new people who share the same passion of overlanding. This is just a meet up to get to know more people in the area, share stories, talk gear, etc. Simple as that. I set it up in a big area of a parking lot that...
  9. Chileno206

    US Northwest Gallaher Head Lake Washington overnight camping.

    Hey guys, this is an overnight camping trip to Gallaher Lake. Bring your own food/necessities and let's have a good time! High clearance vehicle required. - family friendly - ALL are welcome -Please bring your own food and beers! Basic Info provided then the rest is just the adventure!View...
  10. TheGreyhound

    US Northwest Grouse Mountain, Chelan WA and Quincy Lakes WA

    Very easy summer cruise and camp. This will be my first time trying to organize a run, so please bear with me! Minimal off-road and super beginner friendly. Vibe is family friendly PG13+. Leash for dogs strictly, please. Almost 500 miles round trip. In light of current events, please...
  11. Ubiety

    Cancelled Greater Seattle Area Recurring Meetup

    This recurring meetup is intended to get Seattle area locals together on a regular basis in order to socialize and grow the local Overland Bound community. The agenda is wide open; teleconference calls, burgers, trail runs, training, camping, rig work days, trail work days, whatever the group...
  12. Mike Dubya

    US Northwest Metaline Falls: Rail Bike, Caving, and the Dam tour!

    We are planning on making an early summer, kid friendly trip to beautiful Metaline Falls area in northeastern Washington State. While the falls are beautiful to see, and the town is quaint while still providing services; we had a couple other activities in mind. In the morning we will be riding...
  13. Mike Dubya

    US Northwest Metaline Falls: Rail Bike, Caving, and the Dam tour!

    We are planning on making an early summer, kid friendly trip to beautiful Metaline Falls area in northeastern Washington State. While the falls are beautiful to see, and the town is quaint while still providing services; we had a couple other activities in mind. In the morning we will be riding...
  14. Gabriel Bozeman

    US Northwest NW Washington Monthly Campout: February Edition!

    Hey folks! February's installment of the NW Washington Meetup will be at Kulshan Campground near Baker Lake. This is north of Concrete, WA along the N Cascades Hwy (Hwy 20).View Rally Point
  15. Bilbo

    US Northwest June 2020 WABDR - Washington Backcountry Discovery Route

    ***Rally is delayed so we will modify this trip to exclude the Rally. Also adding more slots due to high level of interest. We will likely have a group that continues on to complete the whole BDR. Stay tuned for updates. *** We are exploring the first 3 sections of the Washington Backcountry...
  16. Gabriel Bozeman

    US Northwest December Meet-Up: Winter Cascades Camping!

    Hey! This months (December) installment of the monthly meetup is going to be camping in the Cascades! I hope you can join us for an exciting time!View Rally Point
  17. Gabriel Bozeman

    US Northwest Walker Valley Day

    Come and join us at Walker Valley ORV (outside of Burlington) for some fun trails and lunch!
  18. Merk

    Mt. Rainier - Sunrise Open

    What's up dudes My tires didn't actually hit any dirt this weekend, but my hiking boots did. The road to sunrise at Mt. Rainier opened up last week, so we went to explore the area a bit. I normally don't post any hiking related reports on here, but this place is incredible! Highly recommend...
  19. Jedi

    US Northwest NWOR 2019 Overland Bound Campsite

    NWOR 2019 is setting aside an camping area for Overland Bound members!
  20. Jedi

    US Northwest Sudden Valley Amateur Radio Club 2019-1 Spring Technician License Course and FCC Testing

    This event is being posted on behalf of the Sudden Valley Amateur Radio Club of Bellingham, WA, who is holding their Spring Technician License Course.