us midwest

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  1. Overland Omnivore

    US Midwest Beers and Gears: SoHo Edition

    Meet other like minded overlanders at SoHo Speed Shop/ Ohio Valley Overland HQ View Rally Point
  2. SJ.Overland

    US Midwest Bimonthly Meetup for SW Ohio and Beyond

    This meetup is to meet others in the surrounding areas, build relationships, organize some adventures, learn skills related to overlanding, show off our builds, sometimes work on our builds, ETC. At this meetup we will be focusing on the upcoming trips we have planned or are getting scheduled...
  3. Kent R

    Sand Lake Trail Restoration Project, National City MI

    Do your part to #protecttheadventure and #protectthefun; Join Tread Lightly! & Can-AM to help out with a trail restoration project near Sand Lake in National City, Michigan. Lunch will be provided. RSVP - Sand Lake Trail Restoration Project View Rally Point
  4. BackWoods

    US Midwest Rigs & Coffee Chili Cook-off

    Rigs & Coffee in NE Ohio. First annual Chili cook-off with prizes. Also trunk or treat afterwards. View Rally Point
  5. Overland Omnivore

    US Midwest 2023 THOR Open Innovational

    Trans Hoosier Overland Route (THOR) is a 600 mile overlanding route that connects the Hoosier National Forest to the Indiana Dunes National Park by gravel and dirt roads. The THOR also connects three different off roading parks in western Indiana along with interesting cultural attractions...
  6. B

    Cancelled Copper Harbor Michigan fall color trip

    A weekend tour of the norther UP of Michigan View Rally Point
  7. The Echy Adventures

    US Midwest Get Lost in the Hoosier National Forest

    A cruise through the Hoosier National Forest and end the day with camping at Blackwell Horse Camp. View Rally Point
  8. KB8WXZ

    US Midwest Cincinnati Area Meetup

    Meetup for the Cincinnati, SW Ohio, SE Indiana and NKY Areas View Rally Point
  9. FlyingPirate

    US Midwest Memorial Weekend Overland Camp

    Memorial Weekend Camp! View Rally Point
  10. Smokey_Bear_JLUR

    US Midwest Midwest Jeepthing\'s Annual \"Jeepstock\" event at Southern Missouri Off Road Ranch (SMORR)

    For over two decades, Jeepstock has been one of the largest, Jeep-only events in the Mid-West/Ozarks area. This event IS limited to Jeep vehicles. 2023 Jeepstock will again be held at the beautiful SMORR park, which also happens to be the starting point for the SMORR to MOORE Overland Challenge...
  11. sasquatchoverlanding

    US Midwest Tom Wood Toyota Hoosier Overland and Jeep Meet Up

    A local Meet Up to get all those who seek adventure to come together in Central Indiana to build connections and the community! View Rally Point
  12. OutOnAnAdventureTogether

    Cancelled Topless Group ride through Sioux Falls ending at a dinner location.

    Planning to meet at a central location in Sioux Falls and drive, as a group through town. We can drive through Falls Park and see how high the water is flowing. At this point dinner at the Safari sounds good. Topless Jeep, family event. View Rally Point
  13. Kgxpedition

    US Midwest Badlands/Kgxpedition Tribute to the Troops

    A day of trail riding and off-road fun, followed by a concert with Big & Rich KGX Adventures is proud to be a part of this event. So stop by our booth for a visit. View Rally Point
  14. Robert_A

    Cancelled Garden of the gods

    Meet and greet View Rally Point
  15. Robert_A

    Cancelled Garden of the Gods meetup

    Stop by hang out, camp, meet new people and enjoy the outdoors View Rally Point
  16. Kgxpedition

    US Midwest Adventure Worthy Wounded Heroes 500 Trail Rally

    5th Annual UP Trail Event View Rally Point
  17. Kgxpedition

    Cancelled Wawa Wander Weekend

    A weekend of wandering the Algoma Country of Ontario. This trip is open to anyone. Trip is limited to 8 Overland Rigs. This is a Wounded Hero Adventure Trip. Passport or Proper ID is required to cross border View Rally Point
  18. sasquatchoverlanding

    US Midwest Cleanup the Hoosier National Forest

    Meetup is at 11:00AM @ the Blackwell Horse Camp. From there, we will split up into groups and tackle different locations. I have grids that I will give out to group leaders and we will disperse as a group to those spots. If you see trash along the way, feel free to pick it up. The goal for this...
  19. Overland Omnivore

    US Midwest AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days / Louisville Vintage Motorworks /Ohio Valley Overland

    This is a complete s**t show. This is the annual AMA Vintage Motorcycle Day and LVM and OVO host the biggest party at the event. View Rally Point
  20. Fat-Tire

    US Midwest Rigs & Coffee Rockford, IL (US Midwest Region)

    Rigs & Coffee located at Rocktown Adventures in Rockford, IL, Adventure/Overland/Off-road rig meet and greet. View Rally Point