eu west europe

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  1. Polaris Overland

    EU West Europe Test

  2. Polaris Overland

    EU West Europe Test

  3. Polaris Overland

    Cancelled Mountain Madness

    Following on from Abenteuer & Allrad a tour to visit the infamous Eiger and the Matterhorn.
  4. Polaris Overland

    Cancelled CANCELLED / POSTPONED Abenteuer & Allrad 2020

    The biggest Overland and Adventure Vehicle Show in Europe and possibly the world. The show every Overlander needs to attend. Followed by a trip to Zermatt to view the Matterhorn for those that want to continue the trip a bit longer (Separate Rally Point to be generated)View Rally Point
  5. Polaris Overland

    EU West Europe Cancelled !!!! Spring Adventure Overland Show

    First big show of the year at Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire. The ADVENTURE OVERLAND is the largest show of its type. Spanning the entire overland and adventure travel scene, it features all-wheel-drive trucks to 4x4's, off-road adventure bikes to tourers, mountain bikes to tandems, adventure...
  6. Aaron Boyer

    EU West Europe OXUK Lake District Meet

    Opening meet for OXUK. Weekend camping in the Lakes, including green laning and off road trails! All Overlanders Welcome! See Notes below for further details.View Rally Point
  7. professorpool

    EU West Europe Lake District Half Term Flash Meet

    It's half term week for most of the UK so it's a great opportunity to meet up and explore the beautiful Lake Dristrict area of England. We will arrange some laning and local exploring and base ourselves from the same campsite fr all three days. Come for the day, a night or the whole trip. It...
  8. caspoint220


    ALL, THE DECISION HAS BEEN MADE TO POSTPONE THE TRIP IN LINE WITH NATIONAL GUIDANCE. ONCE THIS OUTBREAK IS OVER WE WILL PLAN A DATE AND UPDATE ACCORDINGLY. Rough plan at the moment is to meet at Lochalsh Woodland carpark, then pass by Hectors Bothy in the Kyle of Lochalsh and head over to...
  9. professorpool

    EU West Europe North Wales Flash Meet January 2020

    A two day green laning trip around beautiful North Wales including a lake side wild camp on Saturday night. This trip is being run in conjuction with the Discovery 3/4 Club. All routes are passable in a stock Landrover Discovery 3/4.View Rally Point
  10. Polaris Overland

    EU West Europe North Coast 500 Winter Trip

    So who fancies a North Coast 500 Winter Trip seeing in the New Year and hopefully the Northern Lights. We will be ending 2019 and starting 2020 the way it should be on an epic road trip. This is Scotlands answer to the Route 66 only better. For those that have tackled the route in summer with...
  11. Polaris Overland

    EU West Europe Wanlockhead Inn Winter Shakedown

    Weekend meet and opportunity to shake down your winter camping preparations at Scotland's Highest Pub. We will endeavour to put together some training modules to ensure everyone gets the full benefit of the weekend. Anyone willing to offer their expertise is greatly appreciated. This is also a...
  12. ForumCube

    EU West Europe ICE2017 (Iceland Circumnaviagtion Expedition 2017)

    Circumnavigate Iceland in clockwise direction, using as many Mountain (F) Roads (rather than highways) as possible - camping.
  13. Polaris Overland

    EU West Europe Adventure Overland Show - Late Summer Edition

    The last Overland Show of the year. A chance for members to meet up, swap stories, kick tyres and arrange meets and trips whilst enjoying everything that the show has to offer. The Adventure Overland Show boasts the largest gathering of expedition vehicles in the UK. Since its launch in 2012...
  14. Polaris Overland

    EU West Europe Salisbury Plains Off Roading Meet Up

    An off roading and camping weekend over Salisbury plain - in conjunction with the Overland Adventure Club. Nik provisionally booked ten non-electric spots, however electric hookup is available, plus tin tents (caravans) are allowed and there are several units of apartments and camping type...
  15. caspoint220

    EU West Europe Raiders Road Trial Guardian clean up

    In keeping with the OB ethos and linking in to what we have all been discussing recently, here is the first trail cleanup meet. As everyone has mentioned the Raiders Road after Warren and I completed it last weekend, i thought this would be a good place to start. It is also part of the Forestry...