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  1. No Known Boundaries

    Camp Photos!

    How do you like that Armadillo?
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    Rig Photos

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    Camp Photos!

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    Rig Photos

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    Camp Photos!

  6. No Known Boundaries

    Avoid Rhino Rack...And What to Consider With Alternatives

    Which kinda ties into my point at the end of the video. The cynic in me thinks that they're willing to just say, "Yeah, sure. Stick a tent on em," despite knowing that they're not really up to snuff. The buys have got to outweigh the warranties by a landslide, and leaving that market untapped...
  7. No Known Boundaries

    Avoid Rhino Rack...And What to Consider With Alternatives

    While it is certainly more affordable and convenient to use standard load bars than commit to a full roof rack, trouble may follow if you're not careful. I outline my experience, as well as what I think can be done to help avoid disaster in the future.
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    Rig Photos

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    Camp Photos!

  10. No Known Boundaries

    US West [SOLD] iKamper Skycamp 2.0 w/ Annex + Insulation Tent ($3000) [OREGON]

    Just bought it late last year. Took it out for a shakedown here in OR, then put in 5 nights in AZ & CA with it. We borrowed a friend's Black Series trailer, my wife fell in love with it (as did the baby apparently), and he needs to sell it as well. Apparently we're buying a trailer. So... It's...
  11. No Known Boundaries

    Nature Photos

    If you look closely, you might just spot a bighorn...
  12. No Known Boundaries

    Rig Photos

  13. No Known Boundaries

    Camp Photos!

  14. No Known Boundaries

    Sleeping Pad Showdown

    Great point. Especially if you're folding it in the same creases every single time.
  15. No Known Boundaries

    Sleeping Pad Showdown

    Black Friday is knocking at the door. While the campers and roof top tents are very sexy options, there are many of us who still regularly find ourselves in tents, on sleeping platforms/backs of the truck, or looking for alternative mattresses for said roof tents. Over the many years and under...