Thanks, this particular shot was 300 seconds at ISO 4000, Rokinon 14mm f/2.8. I would normally do a series (at least 15 shots) of 30 second exposures @ ISO 6400 and then blend them together in PS using the "lighten" blend mode. I don't normally focus stack as the hyperfocal distance for the 14...
Wildrose charcoal kilns, Death Valley. Went here for the first time last night. Soon as I started photographing the kilns a small SUV pulls up ( this is down the end of about a 30 mile road in DV mind you). Turns out it was a tourist from Detroit that wanted to see the kilns and just hang out...
A tribute to the Mojave Road - A composite image of the Mojave Bus ( now located at the Mojave Museum in Goffs), the Mojave Mailbox with flag, and the beautiful Mojave night sky.
Can I bring my wife and 5 year old? Not sure if they really want to go, but I thought I'd make sure it was OK before I invite them. I plan on meeting the group in Beatty, if for some reason I don't make it by go time I'll head directly to the campsite. Have you decided on which one yet?
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