Hey Keith! Ya there isn't much, I have only seen a few rigs around here and most of the good exploration is on the MO side of STL, hot me up when you get here I am always down to hang out!
I have watched numerous vids and I still can't find what I am looking for. Trying to find some areas here in central/ southern IL to go overlanding/dispersed camping and I can't seem to find any suitable locations. Am I not using gaia correctly or is this state just not overland friendly?
Hey Shawn, I am in the same kinda area as you, I live in O'Fallon currently and will be moving onto Scott AFB here in the next few months. But if you would like to meetup I would def be down for connecting with like minded individuals. I just signed up for the overland bound midwest group on...
Brian I hope the group picks backup again, I know you sent out a msg on meetup saying the meeting were canceled until further notice. Hope this isnt the end of it.
Hey Yall! I am a new member, been trying to get into camping and some outdoors therapy more! Above is a picture of my Taco with my Truckbed Tent, just recently upgraded to a RTT waiting to take it out on it maiden voyage. I drive a 2016 Toyota Tacoma TRD Sport 4x4 but you cant tell anymore as I...
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