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    Prioritizing Recovery Gear

    Hi folks, I just had my first off-roading trip but I was with an experienced guide who had all of the necessary recovery gear. However, I forgot to ask her what I should prioritize so I'm reaching out to the OB community. There seems to be a lot of recovery gear I should have but I can't...
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    Overland Expo East 2021

    I definitely plan on attending. Will be my first time. Just our of curiosity what was the price of a ticket for the last expo?
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    An overwhelmed newbie from New Jersey

    I wasn't aware Hunter has offroad trails. Is there a link to those? I went on the Hunter Mountain website and couldn't find anything.
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    3rd Gen Tacoma ECU Reflash

    2020 Off Road owner here. I have not experienced any shifting problems. Sluggish and delayed pedal response - yes. But not shifting problems.
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    Reputable shop in PA for installing lift

    Hey folks, I live in the Philly area and I’m looking for a good shop to install a lift on my 2020 Tacoma. Any recommendations? I don’t mind traveling a bit to get it done right.
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    New Member from Philadelphia

    Hey folks, Art from Philadelphia checking in for the first time. I’m a new member and am eagerly awaiting my 2020 Tacoma Off Road, which should arrive in about two weeks. I’m really looking forward to learning about overlanding and hitting the trails. I haven’t been off-road in about 25 years...
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    Hey folks, Art from Philadelphia checking in for the first time. I’m a new member and am eagerly awaiting my 2020 Tacoma Off Road, which should arrive in about two weeks. I’m really looking forward to learning about overlanding and hitting the trails. I haven’t been off-road in about 25 years...