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  1. Kel Schwab

    Ontario Member Thread: Post your locations

    Cambridge / Mississauga
  2. Kel Schwab

    Overland from Ontario to Tuktoyaktuk - Summer 2020

    Hello, that would be awesome. We' love that.
  3. Kel Schwab

    Overland from Ontario to Tuktoyaktuk - Summer 2020

    we are having our second information night and route planning - everyone is welcome January 21, 2019, 7 pm Preston Scout House 1580 Queenston Road Cambridge Ontario Kel Schwab 416-258-4194
  4. Kel Schwab

    Information Night - Ontario to Tuktoyaktuk summer 2020 - 09/10/2018

    we will, we're putting together materials now - should be something more in a week
  5. Kel Schwab

    Information Night - Ontario to Tuktoyaktuk summer 2020 - 09/10/2018

    Hello, its possible however most likely the planning and information will move to an electronic form as the teams gear up for 2020, i don't want to make people travel to meetings too often. we will be having a shake down cruise/camp/meetup for teams to help get our gear checked out, meet each...
  6. Kel Schwab

    Information Night - Ontario to Tuktoyaktuk summer 2020 - 09/10/2018

    i would love to pick your brains. Im very interested in how the kids handled it.
  7. Kel Schwab

    Information Night - Ontario to Tuktoyaktuk summer 2020 - 09/10/2018

    Information Night - Ontario to Tuktoyuktuk summer 2020 View Rally Point Details
  8. Kel Schwab

    Overland from Ontario to Tuktoyaktuk - Summer 2020

    we are having our first information night September 10, 2018, 7 pm Preston Scout House 1580 Queenston Road Cambridge Ontario Kel Schwab 416-258-4194
  9. Kel Schwab

    Overland from Ontario to Tuktoyaktuk - Summer 2020 is organizing a overland expedition from southern Ontario, thru Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, the Yukon and the North West Territories. (and back) We're a group from Scouts Canada developing this trip for our youth (an ourselves!) We depart mid July 2020 and...
  10. Kel Schwab

    Ontario Member Thread: Post your locations

    YAY, grew up in glenn williams, welcome!
  11. Kel Schwab

    Ontario Member Thread: Post your locations

    Cambridge, Badge 3263
  12. Kel Schwab

    summer 2018 expedition

    Looks like a fun route, I'm interested as well
  13. Kel Schwab

    Tri-City Jeep Club Show and Shine - and central ontario Overland Bound Meetup - 06/16/2018

    Tri-City Jeep Club Show & Shine - In support of Children's Wish $20 to enter a truck into the show Free to just come and look at the rigs and meet people facebook link View Rally Point Details
  14. Kel Schwab

    KW/Guelph/Hamilton/Woodstock and surrounding areas Coffee meet up?

    nothing happened yet, the overloading seminars were pretty good. wounds like a good idea to meet there
  15. Kel Schwab

    KW/Guelph/Hamilton/Woodstock and surrounding areas Coffee meet up?

    oh ya, I've got an Xterra and they let me in the building...
  16. Kel Schwab

    KW/Guelph/Hamilton/Woodstock and surrounding areas Coffee meet up?

    now that the weather's getting nicer, we should get something arranged. Wellington motors (jeeps) in Guelph are doing a show and shine June 16th, Saturday at their dealership - the did a series of overloading seminars this winter. I'll be there anyway
  17. Kel Schwab

    KW/Guelph/Hamilton/Woodstock and surrounding areas Coffee meet up?

    Ok so Zeon, what happened? Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk