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  1. ArrArr

    Change 2FA token expiry > 30 days?

    That's quite alright, as long as it's on the backlog. :P Thanks!
  2. ArrArr

    Water Storage (Merged Thread)

    Right now, 5 gallon jugs wedged behind front seats. For the future I'm planning to order and install an SSO rear bumper, relocate spare and use the vacated space to house a ~15-20gal water tank with pump, and inlet/outlet in cargo area, as well as a heat exchanger (idea comes from The_Josh here)...
  3. ArrArr

    Change 2FA token expiry > 30 days?

    Hi! Using 2FA to login to the site / forums, I'd like for the session to live longer than 30 days. Right now the 2FA token session lives for 30 days, after which I'm forced to log in again. Is it possible to either change this to, say, 90 days, or make it user-customizable?
  4. ArrArr

    Member Number? Upgrade Your Account! Read

    After some lurking, finally decided to sign up and chp in. OB# 2775. :)