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  1. E

    Scottles Worth the Price?

    Growing up in the 70’s and 80’s, we had one. They’ve been around for ever (Homemade). Ours had two discs. The bottom disc would hold the coals and cook on the top Disc. Good times! It’s all on what makes you happy. Heck, I spent more on a nights Drinking and woke up the next day with a head...
  2. E

    Just moved out to San Diego. Looking forward to meeting up with new people.

    Just moved out to San Diego. Looking forward to meeting up with new people.
  3. E

    Hello, I just recently moved to San Diego but i'm always going out to Bakersfield to visit and...

    Hello, I just recently moved to San Diego but i'm always going out to Bakersfield to visit and sometimes go out camping and hanging out. Maybe we can meet up some day.