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  1. Elizabeth Aldrich

    New member in Costa Rica

    Thanks for the welcome! It sure would. Will definitely take years of planning, but hopefully one day. :)
  2. Elizabeth Aldrich

    New member in Costa Rica

    Thanks so much! I look forward to participating.
  3. Elizabeth Aldrich

    New member in Costa Rica

    Hello! I joined yesterday because I'm interested in getting into overlanding. I've lived in Costa Rica for three years now car-free, but gone on overlanding trips with friends as a passenger (I live in a remote area so we often have to go off road and ford rivers just to go to the bar). I'm...
  4. Elizabeth Aldrich


    No rig! Currently car-free but go overlanding with friends who have cars. Looking to buy my own soon. Costa Rica! Moved here three years ago. I'm pretty novice. It's popular here in Costa Rica for obvious reasons to anyone who's ever visited! So I've gone on trips and ford rivers/go off road...