Since it works, I'd say use it until it dies. If you really need to know, you could always talk to Rigid and send them pictures. I'm sure they'd know what their older product lines looked like or be able to tell you how to ID it.
The Rigid SAE fogs I have use a different font (almost italic) for the "Rigid" with no "USA" and it's silver lettering. If you go to Rigid's site you can see what I'm talking about. I'm not saying it's a may just be an older model. Where did you get it and does it work?
Based on their FAQ, no. Only “U.S. Armed Forces”, however anyone can make an account. It might be worth looking for a similar verification system for British vets...or whatever country a member might be from.
I think this would still be a better option for U.S. members than sending a DD214...
I've been having the same thing for the past couple hours. My browser shows a blank white page. The app gets down to listing thread titles, but when I open a post to view it I get: "There is a problem with the forum. Please contact the forum admin or try again later." and it keeps on making me...
My name is Greg and I'm new to this overland idea. I've done campground/state park based camping, but am looking forward learning some things and seeing where this takes me.
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