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  1. Railvan

    D'Arcy to Seton Portage Road condition?

    I didn't get a reply here before my trip, but I was on the road last weekend and it is in good shape. No problems at all.
  2. Railvan

    D'Arcy to Seton Portage Road condition?

    Has anyone been on Highline Road between D'Arcy and Seton Portage, along Anderson Lake, this spring? Or last year? I'm wondering how the road condition is? It's been years since I was on it and I may be up there in three weeks. Thanks.
  3. Railvan

    NW Washington Meetup - 22 AUG 2018 - Alger, WA?

    Anybody wanting to get another meet up going? I work Saturday's but would be up for a meet on a Sunday.
  4. Railvan

    NW Washington Meetup - 22 AUG 2018 - Alger, WA?

    Hope there is a good turnout tonight. I'm not gonna make it but I'll keep checking for the next event.
  5. Railvan

    Harrison to Pemberton FSR 11Aug2018 - (2019 update)

    Does anyone know if there are plans to replace this bridge? I'm guessing yes, but they are waiting on the funding? It looks like if the steep bluff at the end of the bridge was either dug out to create a lesser slope, or fill added on the bridge that this could be passed by most 4x4's. I doubt...
  6. Railvan

    Overland Hound

    Hooper, my Terrier, Hound, and likely something else mix. First photo was almost two years ago on his first overland camping trip. He was a rescue and about 6 months old then. Second photo is Hooper and I at Hooper, Washington. Third photo is his preferred place while in motion on road trips.
  7. Railvan

    Baker River road? NW Washington

    As noted above, the north end of the road is gated east of the dam. The south end is open and the road has several spurs. It's been several years since I explored it. It was a fun day, but I don't recall any stunning views or camps.
  8. Railvan

    Rig Photos

    No, I've only taken one photo of it in the 12 years I've had it... Said no guy ever about his rig! :^)
  9. Railvan

    NW Washington Meetup - 22 AUG 2018 - Alger, WA?

    I have it on my calendar and plan to be there. Thanks for setting these up.
  10. Railvan

    NW Washington. We should meet.

    I'm open most evenings and off Sundays and Mondays. What's the center of the area we are talking about? Would Mt. Vernon be the best meeting spot or Bellingham?
  11. Railvan

    Camp Photos!

    Hi neighbor, I was next to you at the rally in the tan van!
  12. Railvan

    Rig Photos

  13. Railvan

    NW Washington. We should meet.

    New member here. I'd try to attend if there is a meet up coming up. I'm in Bellingham.
  14. Railvan

    Who's in the Region?

    Bellingham, WA, here. New member.
  15. Railvan


    Hello, Brian in Bellingham, WA, here. I've been camping and exploring for 40 years. Checking out this OB site to see what's here and to meet people. I was at the BC Overland Rally recently and talking to a friend there and she recommended this group. Brian