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  1. 6.4 Wagon

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    Thuren springs and shocks on the wagon
  2. 6.4 Wagon

    US Midwest Cincinnati Area Meetup

    I’m new to this forum and overlanding but I am going to try to meet up. Would be great to meet up with the guys in this area and learn a thing or two about it. I’m hoping work doesn’t get in the way.
  3. 6.4 Wagon

    Rude Overland Vehicle Etiquette

    I agree not a hard thing to do! Well said! One of the worst things about my commute to work in morning. Most and I mean most people want to be in the left lane for no reason at all. You would think it was the younger generation but nope it’s all ages. I’m not saying I’m the best driver out there...
  4. 6.4 Wagon

    New member

    Thanks I will check it out
  5. 6.4 Wagon

    New member

    Thanks guys!
  6. 6.4 Wagon

    New member

    Glad I came across this forum. I’m from Ohio just north of Cincinnati. Just picked up a 2016 ram power wagon