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  1. WYWander

    Looking for recommendations - Roll up kitchen utensil storage

    Hello all, My search skills seems to be failing me...or I'm using the wrong search words....but I can't seem to find much about roll-up kitchen utensil storage in the forums. There are a bazillion and one options out there so was hoping for some recommendations. I'd rather just hear what you...
  2. WYWander

    GPS connectivity help needed

    GPS noob here... I have a '23 4Runner, which itself has GPS connectivity, I think, but how do you get constant GPS connectivity to your mapping app like Gaia or OB1? Mine seems to only currently have it when I have cell service. Thanks!
  3. WYWander

    Dealing with other people's nasty

    I ran across a disappointing mess at a camping/parking site in Pike National Forest this last weekend. I picked up what little I was willing to but I was not equipped to deal with their USED TOILET PAPER!! Just laying there on the ground. What. the. heck. (That's not the word I used then.)...
  4. WYWander

    Those fancy mapping apps will not save you...

    So I tried to exercise my mapping skills for a short trip this weekend and discovered I need more edumacation, or at least a reminder that we should not rely on the fancy GPS maps where we're exploring: Google Maps does not let you save a route. It will let you save locations, but not a route...
  5. WYWander

    Round 2 DIY Squaredrop, doing it very differently this time

    After life got in the way of finishing my last teardrop and the wind forcefully opening the back hatch further than it should, we're starting over. Would probably be close to done if I wasn't also building the tow rig. It was: (Sold the fenders to a friend who's building a similar teardrop.)...
  6. WYWander

    Yup, another 5th gen 4Runner...but pulling a DIY expedition camper

    There is likely not a single thing I plan on doing to my vehicle build that you can't find in multiple UToob videos, but I'll lump my concurrent camper build in with it too. Hoping y'all can help me with answers to my questions too. ***Insert stock picture of a white Fer'ner here.*** It will...