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  1. JaredThomsen

    Easter Celebration March 31

    For those in the San Francisco Bay Area who aren’t out overlanding this weekend or already have Easter plans - I’d love to meet you and have you join my church’s Easter Celebration tomorrow in Walnut Creek at 10am! Easter Service is at 10am at Calvary Chapel Walnut Creek, followed by a free BBQ...
  2. JaredThomsen

    Anyone in the Diablo Valley area open to a more local meetup?

    I’m in Concord (East SF Bay Area) and have noticed that the closest meetups to where I’m at are at least 30 miles away - which isn’t a big deal, but they’re at times I can’t make (Sunday early afternoon or Saturday). Just curious if there are others in the Diablo Valley area (or greater East Bay...
  3. JaredThomsen

    Mendocino Backcountry Discovery Trail

    I tried asking this in the “Trail Q & A” forum but didn’t get much response or any clarity - so I’m trying here too. My question is: I’ve heard about the Mendocino Backcountry Discovery Trail as being a really great and beautiful trail and have found articles and videos about it online - but I...
  4. JaredThomsen

    Mendocino Backcountry Discovery Trail

    I’m not sure this is the right place to post this, but I’ve heard about the Mendocino Backcountry Discovery Trail as being a really great and beautiful trail but I don’t see it listed on the Overland Bound map section of the app. Am I missing something or has no one ever added and reviewed it on...
  5. JaredThomsen

    Resolved Membership

    Hi there, up until a couple weeks ago I had noticed that there were two different membership types with two different prices for those two memberships, and I was considering paying for the cheaper of the two memberships - but now I’m only seeing one membership option and it’s the one that was...
  6. JaredThomsen

    Any tips about Prairie City SVRA?

    Hey everyone, I’m heading to Prairie City SVRA (in Northern California) next month for the first time and am very much a novice at off-roading - and was wondering if anyone who has gone there has any advice/tips? Thanks I’m advance!
  7. JaredThomsen

    MetalCloak Skillz Day

    Hey everyone, Not sure if there are other new Jeepers out there who live in Northern California and want to learn how to use your rig offroad - but if there are, I just found out about a Skillz day that MetalCloak is putting on at Prairie City SVRA on October 15th. The cost is $25 (which is...