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  1. H

    Cooper Discoverer Rugged Trek?

    I like both of those tires, but i can't find decent prices on them. I'm already overbudget ordering new wheels for the lr4 to be able to use 18's as is, lol
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    Working on the road- Hotspot

    Just make sure whichever carrier you choose has good coverage in the areas you intend to use it. I used to use one all the time when I traveled a bunch for work, and depending on the area/state I was in my phone would either work, or the hotspot would work depending on the carrier coverage. If...
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    Cooper Discoverer Rugged Trek?

    I have heard that was the case. I would assume the tires are still made i the US, or at least a good amount of them are.
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    Cooper Discoverer Rugged Trek?

    In the process of building 2 race cars on top of the two motorcycles i haven't ridden in years, while raising 2 girls under 2, and still trying to find time to travel and camp, lol...I'll add that to my list!
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    Cooper Discoverer Rugged Trek?

    I live in Florida. Iv driven in the snow once, lol.... I figure any additional help is a bonus for me.
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    Cooper Discoverer Rugged Trek?

    For the size needed for the LR4 (265/65-18),there are hardly any e rated tires available. I'm thinking the Toyo Open Country A/T3 is going to be the option since it has the snowflake rating for if we get to go skiing eventually, its still slightly cheaper, has great reviews, and will look good...
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    Cooper Discoverer Rugged Trek?

    They definitely look to be too new for any good reviews. I had AT3's on my old ram and they were pretty good. According to the cooper website they rate the AT3's as being more off road capable then these, so probably going to pass. From the description it looks like they may be more for looks...
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    Cooper Discoverer Rugged Trek?

    Hey everyone. Looking for a new set of tires for my wife's LR4. I am going with 18" wheels, so thankfully more options....I was originally debating between Nitto Ridge Grappler and Toyo Open COuntry A/T 3's, but then I came across the new Discoverer Rugged Trek. They are only $2 more per tire...
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    2017 BMW X5 F15 Very Mild Mod

    Its too bad there aren't a lot of mods for these suv's. It's one of the main reasons i bought an lr4 for my wife over the x5. I think some companies are starting to make "lifts" for the older x5's, so maybe that will start trickling up.
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    Overlanding Cigar Aficionados

    It doesn't get much better then wrapping up the day with grilling, a good fire, and a glass of bourbon paired with a great cigar!
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    LR3/LR4 owners roll call!

    Think I have my wife on board for building ours (hers) out like this. Can't wait to try it out off road and compare it to my truck.
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    Midland micromobile GMRS radios-is the 40 watt version worth it?

    Considering a 6db whip antenna vs a ghost/low profile antenna on my truck, and a ghost antenna on my wife's LR4.
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    Midland micromobile GMRS radios-is the 40 watt version worth it?

    I don't even have an hour a day to do something i enjoy doing.....So no, not going to be bothering going through the HAM license process...If i can't finish either race car, any of my motorcycles, still working on renovating my house, and getting not nearly enough sleep with two kids under 2...
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    Midland micromobile GMRS radios-is the 40 watt version worth it?

    That would certainly be news to all the folks up there i know running gmrs radios. Then again, he quebecers do it differently...5-7 miles from landing to cabin in a HEAVILY wooded, hilly area. No cell service, no power, perfect seclusion. It also seems that more and more enthusiasts are...
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    Midland micromobile GMRS radios-is the 40 watt version worth it?

    Part of my thought process on the higher watt radio is we have a cabin in canada only accessible by boat Would be nice if we could call into the cabin miles away and have someone bring us a boat vs having to rely on communication a few days prior and hoping the coordination works out. That is...
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    Midland micromobile GMRS radios-is the 40 watt version worth it?

    Not going through any testing, nor will my wife be. I don't care that HAM is better, I do not have the time to study for an exam for something that shouldn't exist in the first place...
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    Midland micromobile GMRS radios-is the 40 watt version worth it?

    Yes, i understand the government wants money on top of all of the taxes they steal from me every year...
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    Midland micromobile GMRS radios-is the 40 watt version worth it?

    Hey everyone. I am looking into getting one of the micomobile radios for my truck. Had a CB in the last rig, never used it once aside from listening to idiotic convos on my way to the office and testing it with my dad once. It seems as if people are phasing out the use of CB, and the range is...
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    Suggestions for southeast trip?-Coming from Florida

    Hey everyone, looking for some suggestions of trips/routes that are near enough Florida to only need 1 (long) day to get to before starting the trails. We did half of the Georgia traverse last summer and loved it and would love to find something even more secluded. We ended up staying in...
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    Hike-In/Walk-in Only Campsite Trend? Why is this happening?

    Your not wrong there...I keep wanting to plan a trip out west as everything on the east coast seems to be camp ground based and just not a fan...