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  1. Kelly

    How to tell Overland Bound is getting big...

    So,... we're in Alabama Hills Thursday evening (looking for a place to hide the orange cone), when I mentioned something about OB to @Narbob on the radio, and a voice comes on FRS 6 and says "Are you guys with Overland Bound?" Turns out, it's @aearles (Aaron), and his wife Amanda, who just...
  2. Kelly

    Most Amazing Places on Earth...

    List the 5 most amazing places you've been, AND the 5 places you most want to go. Been there: Eagles Landing, Zion National Park, Utah Yosemite Valley, California Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico Rainbow Bridge (Lake Powell in general), Utah Arctic Circle 66°33'N Want to go: Havasu Falls, Arizona...
  3. Kelly

    Diesel or Gas?

    Just curious to know if there's a consensus on engine type.
  4. Kelly

    How to Display Ambassador Coin?

    I want to show off my Ambassador Coin in the Jeep. I'd mount it to the dash, but I want to be able to show both sides. Any recommendations?
  5. Kelly

    Camcorder vs DSLR

    My background is still photography. I understand the appeal of the DSLR. High-resolution - Shallow depth of field - Better choice and quality of lenses. However, even with the advances in auto focus (like with the Canon 70D), I still find them clumsy, for shooting video. Mostly due to : 1...
  6. Kelly

    Continental Divide Trail?

    Has anyone done, or have info about, the Continental Divide Trail? What I've been able to find online is not recent.
  7. Kelly

    Best Overland Gifts...

    'Tis the Season. Other than your first choice (the OB Store :-), show us your best gift ideas for the "Overlander with Everything"... Examples:
  8. Kelly

    Want a 25% Discount on Fuel?

    When the speed limit is 65, do you drive 65? 75? 80? 85? In Overlanding, we're always talking about "It's the journey". Instead of rushing to get to the trail, let your journey start when you leave the house, AND get up to 25% better gas mileage... (compared to 55mph) What do you do, to...
  9. Kelly

    Trans-America Trail... Anyone?

    I have a couple questions. Has anyone here done the TAT? Is anyone here interested in doing it? If you've done it, or been researching it, what can you tell us (i.e., Start point, endpoint, obstacles, time needed to complete, etc.)?
  10. Kelly

    Portable Fire Pits?

    I hate building campfire rings where there are none. Plus, I like the idea of getting the heat up off the ground, closer to where you need it :-) I've been looking at these... Anyone had any experience with this model, or have an alternative they like better?
  11. Kelly

    HID vs LED

    I know HIDs are brighter, but they take so much more power, are less durable, and have a shorter lifespan. Is it worth it? Would like to hear preferences from those who've had both.
  12. Kelly

    Non-Member Rig Photos

    {If there's an existing thread for this, feel free to merge. The only ones I found were geographically specific. Our "Rig Photos" thread seems to be mostly member rigs. Doesn't it make sense to keep them separate?} Spotted this in Santa Clarita, CA - Nice!!!
  13. Kelly

    Anyone going to SEMA?

    November 1-4, 2016 in Las Vegas.
  14. Kelly

    Accessorizing your spare?

    I came across (Pinterest) a couple of photos today, that got me thinking... ... of ways to utilize my spare, other than just Trasharoo & Maxtrax. I'm also looking at the possibility of putting the Maxtrax on the hood... (but in black to kill glare). Thoughts? Ideas? P.S. Any FJ guys know...
  15. Kelly

    Campground or Boondock?

    Growing up, my Dad always preferred Boondocking to Campgrounds. We weren't so poor that $$$ was the issue. I think he just liked the solitude and self-reliance of it all.
  16. Kelly

    Haynes, Chiltons, or FSM?

    Question for you do it yourself''ers out there. Which service manual do you prefer?
  17. Kelly

    Vegas Anyone?

    UPDATE: The job I had Monday and Tuesday in LA, that had cancelled 3 hours ago (allowing me to go to Vegas early), is now back on. That's two trips in a row, cancelled due to work! Thanks for the advice on Vegas Area trails. Maybe next time :-( -------------------------------------- I booked a...
  18. Kelly

    Coming to Vegas...

    I booked a job in Vegas this Thursday (10/27/16). I'm thinking about bringing the Jeep in on Monday and spend a couple days exploring. Anyone else available/interested? Also, just looking for advise on where to go.
  19. Kelly

    Line-X vs Rhino Liner

    I've got to add fender flairs for tire clearance. When I do, I'm kicking around the idea of going Flat Dark Earth over Black... I've seen some rigs that were painted with Truck Bed Liner. Does anyone have any experience with Line-X or Rhino Liner? Preferences? If I don't change the color, I...
  20. Kelly

    I want a newer rig, but...

    My Jeep is old (1995 w/ >300k miles). I'd love a newer rig, but there's a problem. I don't want to give up: V-8 - I like the power Low Profile (rockers to roof) - 5" Lift, 33s, & roof rack; still fits in garage. Solid Axles - Articulation Comfort - ZJ was/is a luxury SUV Narrow - Maneuverability...