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  1. Passe-Partout

    Cleaning up Desert Pinstriping or Scratches

    The only solution I found that works is using a random orbit polisher with polishing compound followed by the use of a poly wax (for durability) with a top-coat of soft wax (e.g. carnuba wax). Random orbit polishers won't leave swirls and are safer to use than non-orbital polishers. Use a good...
  2. Passe-Partout

    Roof Top Tent or Ground Tent?

    I sometimes use a hammock when forest camping - fast and easy to set up and comfortable in hot weather. A friend once commented that I looked like a bear taco in my tent - I sleep with one eye open now....
  3. Passe-Partout

    Where did you install your OB emblem?

    Placed one on the rear door and the other on the passenger front quarter panel on my 2014 Jeep Wrangler
  4. Passe-Partout

    Overland Bound Founding Principles

    Great Mission and Vision! I can relate to the need to connect with the outdoors and our roots. Thank you for all you do for us and the community!