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  1. Hank Outdoors

    CA Atlantic Canada Halifax Area Meetup - 03/30/2019

    Get together with like-minded people to talk about our sport of overlanding. Halifax Area Meetup - Saturday, March 30th 10 am at Bass Pro Shops, 50 Cabela Road, Dartmouth, NS B3B 0M5, Canada View Rally Point Details
  2. Hank Outdoors

    Montreal Area Meetup

    Get together with like-minded people to talk about our sport of overlanding, trails, rigs and trips. Montreal Area Meetup Saturday, April 6th, 10 am at MEC Longueuil 4869 Taschereau Blvd, Greenfield Park, QC J4V 3K3 45.483949, -73.464509View Rally Point
  3. Hank Outdoors

    Toronto - Mississauga Area Meetup

    Get together with like-minded people to talk about our sport of overlanding, trips, rigs and trails. Toronto/Mississauga Meetup - March 23 at 10 am Bass Pro - Vaughan Mills 1 Bass Pro Mills Dr, Concord, ON L4K 5W4, Canada 43°49\'30.6\"N 79°32\'37.8\"WView Rally Point
  4. Hank Outdoors

    Ottawa Area Meetup

    March 31st at 10 am at the Ottawa Cabela\'s (73V4+MJ Goulbourn, Ottawa, ON, Canada) (45°17\'40.0\"N 75°56\'34.0\"W) Get together with like-minded people to talk about our sport of overlanding.View Rally Point
  5. Hank Outdoors

    West Virginia Members

    West Virginia Roll Call!
  6. Hank Outdoors

    US East Overland New York State - Pigs and Rigs - 02/16/2019

    Pigs and Rigs - Let's get together and talk about rigs, trips, gear and what every else... Grab some BBQ and some beverages. When: February 16th at 3pm Where: Bull and Bear Roadhouse 6402 Collamer Road East Syracuse, NY 13057 43.098102, -76.078282 View Rally Point Details
  7. Hank Outdoors

    FACEBOOK GROUP: Canada - Atlantic Region

    The Facebook group for this region is now open for business! Be sure to give your OB number when requesting to join. Canada - Atlantic Facebook Group I am Sean "Hank" Haney and I am the US East Region Director for Overland Bound. I will be acting as the Interim Director for the Canada -...
  8. Hank Outdoors

    Canada - Central Region Meetups

    Hello Central Region Overlanders!!! Let's get this region going! Anyone have any interest in setting up a meet-up, trip, Rigs and Coffee or Pigs and Rigs? Spring is on the way...let me know so I can help! Message me @Hank Outdoors if you're itching for more events in your area. Sean "Hank"...
  9. Hank Outdoors

    Canada - Atlantic Region Meetups

    Hello Atlantic Region Overlanders!!! Let's get this region going! Anyone have any interest in setting up a meet-up, trip, Rigs and Coffee or Pigs and Rigs? Spring is on the way...let me know so I can help! Message me @Hank Outdoors if you're itching for more events in your area. Sean "Hank"...
  10. Hank Outdoors


    Hello East Region Overlanders!!! Let's get the East going! Anyone have any interest in setting up a "local to you" meet-up, trip, Rigs and Coffee or Pigs and Rigs? Spring is on the way...let me know how I can help! Message me @Hank Outdoors if you're itching for more events in your area...
  11. Hank Outdoors

    US East Event Cancelled - Winter Trip 2 - March 1-3, 2019 - 03/01/2019

    For winter trip #2 we will be heading to Stuck In The Muck Off Road Park at the Adirondack International Speedway to camp and hit some trails! $20 for vehicle and driver and $10 each additional person. Pack warm gear and be prepared for the snow! Bring Firewood. I set the difficulty at...
  12. Hank Outdoors

    FJ Cruiser Owner Registry

    Do you own an FJ Cruiser? Then post a picture of your FJ, a quick description, and a link to your build thread here! Cheezus 2007 FJ Cruiser 6" Procomp Lift 35" General Grabber X3's (Not in this picture) Custom Roof Rack w/ Smittybilt Overlander XL OME Shocks
  13. Hank Outdoors

    Plans for Spring?

    Who in the East is planning a trip or meetup for this coming Spring or sooner? Would you like to? Rally Point is there to help you plan your event. If you have any questions let me know! Meet ups are a great way to get to know OB members close to you and begin to plan trips. Whether you all...
  14. Hank Outdoors

    Mery Christmas and Happy Holidays!

    Hope everyone has a safe and happy holidays!
  15. Hank Outdoors

    New Website Format

    Looks great! Much Faster! Well done OB Staff!!!
  16. Hank Outdoors

    Rigs and Pigs Meet Up - Scarborough, Maine - 09/08/2018

    Let's get together, have some lunch, check out rigs, meet new people and talk overlanding! View Rally Point Details
  17. Hank Outdoors

    Portland Maine Meetup

    I will be in the Portland, Maine area on Friday, September 7th and 8th. I will be staying at Wassamki Springs Campground in Scarborough the night of the 7th. If anyone in the area wants to meet up, grab a beer, coffee, hit some trails or check out rigs, let me know. If there is interest I...
  18. Hank Outdoors

    FJ Cruiser Owners - Driver Seat

    Is it just me or do the drivers seats seem to sit super low in the back like a beach chair? I have heard of people adapting Jeep seat riser kits but have you come up with any other creative solutions other than a phone book?
  19. Hank Outdoors

    Free/Great Camping locations

    Is there a place to list Free Campsites with photos, coordinates and reviews? Similar to Submit/Overland Bound Routes. Photos would basically verify the location and each posts subject line could be ie: (New York - Finger Lakes Region - FREE) or (New York - Adirondacks - Brown Tract Pond State...
  20. Hank Outdoors

    What is your favorite nonessential rig add-on?

    I'm not talking about armor or lift kits, bumpers or roof racks, but the little extras that make you smile because they are just cool or make your rig stand out in your mind...