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    US Northwest Fairbanks Clean up Day

    Its that time of the year again. The trash from a long winter is is making its appearance so lets get out and do our part and support our community.View Rally Point
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    US Northwest Sunday Night Weekly Northwest Conference Call

    Sunday Night Weekly Northwest Conference CallView Rally Point
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    What was your first overlanding trip?

    The year was 1974. The rig, my dads 1973 Land Rover series 2 left hand drive. Shipped Form England to New York when he can back state side from being stationed there. Me? I was just a little guy 3 years old. We picked the rover up in New York and off to Florida we go. My dad had water rescue...
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    Making a meal out of nothing (or very little)...

    Looking for recipes and ideas for making meals out of very little. Lets see what creative ideas people have. Post up!
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    US Northwest Interior Alaska Breakfast Meet Up

    Its that time again. March's monthly meeting will be 03/15/2020 Sunday at 3:00 at Hill Top Cafe. The address is 3711 Elliott Hwy, Fairbanks, AK 99712.
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    Anyone in Alaska?
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    Alaska, Denali Hwy Round Up

    @Boort Thanks for checking us out. If you let me know when you will be here i can see about scheduling something to coincide with your visit. At that time of the year most things are still snowed in. There are some places that do snowmachine rental/tours. Chena Hotsprings does a northern...
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    Alaska, Denali Hwy Round Up

    I am setting this up to plan the denali hwy meet up. I am looking for ideas, date, places and some one to spearhead it. With my job my plans can change on short notice. Anchorage area folks please join in! @907Alex @Joker_Whiskey @dowell2881 @Ak-Explorer @Mikemac
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    US Northwest Interior Alaska Breakfast Meet Up

    @907Alex @Joker_Whiskey @dowell2881 @Ak-Explorer @Mikemac
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    US Northwest Interior Alaska Breakfast Meet Up

    We had a good turn out. 12 people in total. We discussed having a regular monthly meeting Here are some pictures.
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    US Northwest Interior Alaska Breakfast Meet Up

    We are in the door to the right
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    US Northwest Interior Alaska Breakfast Meet Up

    Yes going to get a table for the group. I would ask for the overland group
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    US Northwest Interior Alaska Breakfast Meet Up

    I am going to go ahead and get ball rolling. I am having a breakfast meeting Saturday February 15th at 0800 at the bakery restaurant ( 44 college rd fairbanks ). Bring a friend and come meet other members. Please post up if you can attend.View Rally Point
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    US Northwest Interior Alaska Breakfast Meet Up

    I am going to go ahead and get ball rolling. I am having a breakfast meeting Saturday February 15th at 0800 at the bakery restaurant ( 44 college rd fairbanks ). Please post up if you can attend. Hopefully someone in Anchorage will set up a meet up for that area.
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    OB Alaska 1st Meet and Greet

    sorry guys I am out... jeep blew the motor and I have been trying to get it done before the weekend...I just isn't happening.
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    Alaska needs to be its own region
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    OB Alaska 1st Meet and Greet

    need to try and get a head count for this, post up if you are going