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  1. Roger 2486

    US West East Bay Monthly Meet Up - at Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park - Sunol CA

    It was great seeing everyone today and special thanks to Justin and Justine for hosting the meeting.
  2. Roger 2486

    Cancelled Mojave Trail Guardian Dispersed Campsite Access Recording/GPX Oct 24-28

    Pretty unfortunate the new process will prevent some valuable work being completed, but nonetheless other valuable projects will still be completed. Thanks Kent, Bob and others for your hard work organizing this change to make the time and resources fully utilized to benefit all.
  3. Roger 2486

    US West CANCELED - East Bay - Black Rock Desert Trip Sept 2024

    Same as Craig, as much as I would like to attend, I’m on the mend and not able to participate.
  4. Roger 2486

    Cancelled Mojave Trail Guardian Dispersed Campsite Access Recording/GPX Oct 24-28

    Kent, it's tough getting good help. I'm just a snowflake looking for a participation award :)
  5. Roger 2486

    Cancelled Mojave Trail Guardian Dispersed Campsite Access Recording/GPX Oct 24-28

    Most regrettably I won't be able to attend this time as hoped. Best to all.
  6. Roger 2486

    US West Family Camp - Leavitt Lake

    Sorry to miss you guys Gwen, but sitting this trip out. Looking forward to the next time. Be well and travel safe!
  7. Roger 2486

    US West Family Camp - Leavitt Lake

    Most regrettably, I will no longer be able to attend as I had hoped and I have changed my RSVP accordingly. Karen and I look forward to the next time and are much appreciative of you organizing this trip! Have a great time.
  8. Roger 2486

    US West Family Camp - Leavitt Lake

    Thanks for organizing, I responded yes to attending albeit tentative as of now. I’ll update my rsvp / cancel once I have a possible scheduling conflict resolved, which I should know within the next week. This may be a last trip for us for a bit unfortunately. Thanks!
  9. Roger 2486

    Seeking NV/AZ overlanding suggestions near OE West '24

    Your time, guidance and information is most appreciated. We had a tentative route / thought in mind; your confirmation and suggestions are absolutely appreciated! I will most certainly take you up on your offer to DM you. Many thanks! Roger
  10. Roger 2486

    Seeking NV/AZ overlanding suggestions near OE West '24

    Great info and thanks for sharing. Does anyone have / willing to share a route / GPX file of the above? I am planning on running from Flagstaff - Sedona- Jerome to Phoenix area in about three weeks and would really appreciate some intel / guidance on the trails others have accessed with...
  11. Roger 2486

    US West East Bay Monthly Meet Up - at Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park - Sunol CA

    Good morning, I would be happy to try and facilitate the meeting on SUN 05/19, in your absence Armin if best for the mass (albeit big shoes to try and fill). It may be best to move the June meeting to SUN 06/02 as suggested due to a trip conflict on the SUN 06/09 date. Whatever is best for...
  12. Roger 2486

    US West East Bay Monthly Meet Up - at Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park - Sunol CA

    Many thanks Derek for a great trip! It was awesome spending the weekend together with everyone and we look forward to seeing you all again soon !
  13. Roger 2486

    Resolved Mechanical Breakdown

    Albeit a bit of a distance, Summit 4x4 in Prescott would be an excellent resource and does great work, 928-227-2026.
  14. Roger 2486

    Mojave National Preserve Trail Guardian March 22-24, 2024

    Thanks Kent and Lucy for all your hard work!
  15. Roger 2486

    US West East Bay Monthly Meet Up - at Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park - Sunol CA

    Thanks Armin for adjusting...looking forward to seeing you all then and hearing about the Anza trip!
  16. Roger 2486

    Spring 2024 Mojave National Preserve Trail Guardian

    Any updates on when the RP may be up? Thanks for your hard work on this event!
  17. Roger 2486

    US West East Bay Monthly Meet Up - at Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park - Sunol CA

    Armin- With our next meeting scheduled for SUN 02/11, are we still planning on getting together this day as planned being it's Super Bowl Sunday or considering amending our meeting time?
  18. Roger 2486

    Spring 2024 Mojave National Preserve Trail Guardian

    Planning on this one as well! Thanks Kent for your hard work on this project!