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  1. RRitchey

    Cancelled NW Washington Reoccurring Meet-Up

    Just a suggestion, but maybe pick an area every other month or once a month and meet on a saturday or sunday afternoon. That way can get some of the people in Port Angeles,Sequim, Forks and Olympia and other southern area people all involved too. Like most unless pretty close, weeknights just...
  2. RRitchey

    Cancelled NW Washington Reoccurring Meet-Up

    "Integrated wine storage" Well you have my attention now!!! The very first motorhome I bought, that was my 1st modification.. Overland trip to Eastern Wa for wine tasting? Now you have my wife's attention. I am not on FB, my wife is though.
  3. RRitchey

    Cancelled NW Washington Reoccurring Meet-Up

    Trying to remember the name of the place, they just got it and we have been there once... Micro Breweries on the Kitsap Peninsula No lack of breweries in the local area... I just threw Silverdale out because kind of in the middle for us, but we are open to others.. We have been to several on...
  4. RRitchey

    Cancelled NW Washington Reoccurring Meet-Up

    Do you guys have a place in mind? I have some friends that just purchased a brewery/restaurant in Old Town Silverdale. If a bit later in the evening, the wife and I could make a weekday evening.. I work until 5:30 and Silverdale is about 45 minutes or so from my house.
  5. RRitchey

    Cancelled NW Washington Reoccurring Meet-Up

    I am all for getting something a little more local going, this is a big area and with my work schedule and family stuff, traveling long distances during the week just won't work for us. I realize I am in the minority, seeming to be the only one in the North end of Kitsap County.
  6. RRitchey

    US Northwest Gears, Grub & Gab - North Sound Meetup - TEMPORARILY POSTPONED

    Wish we could make it, but the wife and I both work full time, she gets off at 5, I work until 5:30. Planning any time off during the week is difficult for me. Where I work we have 2 1/4 employees, I do 90+ % of the actual work, the other guy runs the phones and deals with customers and the...
  7. RRitchey

    Checking in from the great unknown.. Hansville, Washington.

    We are as far as you can get from Belfair and still be in the same County. Go to Kingston, head North out on the point of Kitsap County.
  8. RRitchey

    Checking in from the great unknown.. Hansville, Washington.

    Belfair has some nice areas, still about an hour from my house.. Everything seems to be a minimum of 1/2 hour from us.
  9. RRitchey

    Checking in from the great unknown.. Hansville, Washington.

    Even some people in Kitsap county have no clue where Hansville is. I am still working on and building my various vehicles. Wife and I have been spoiled lately by a fully self-contained motor home, but we need to get off road and rough it a bit.
  10. RRitchey

    Cancelled NW Washington Reoccurring Meet-Up

    My Daughter and her family lives up in Ferndale, might have to take a side trip up and check it out next time we visit her. Always looking for a good camp place and a great burger.
  11. RRitchey

    New Member from Southern Oregon

    Washington does have some beautiful areas, but so does Oregon. The rain and grey skies do get pretty old after a few weeks. We may move back to Eastern Oregon when we retire. I would love to move back tomorrow, but still have a few good work years left.
  12. RRitchey

    Cancelled NW Washington Reoccurring Meet-Up

    Hi there, was beginning to wonder if I was the only person on this side of the water.
  13. RRitchey

    Cancelled NW Washington Reoccurring Meet-Up

    I will have to talk to the warden..... oops Wife and see what days we have available. Do you have any idea what area in the Olympics? One of my work mates have suggested a few roads to explore but I think they start up near Sequim.
  14. RRitchey

    New and trying it build something unique

    Nothing wrong with going full size. This is one of my projects. I have used it for trail exploring and off road camping.. Had to keep it fairly mild, hard to get the wife onboard if I get dirty looks every time she has to climb in so kept to a mild lift and reasonable tires. I am interested to...
  15. RRitchey

    New Member from Southern Oregon

    Hi Shawn, previous Oregonian... Oregon City, Bend, Eugene/Springfield, Sumpter.. Now up in Washington and getting tired of the rain. Welcome from the Upper rainy left corner.
  16. RRitchey

    New guy, here

    Hi Jeff and welcome. Also from the rainy side of the state.. You won't find a lack of Tacoma builds on here, they are very popular and lots of great ideas.
  17. RRitchey

    Cancelled NW Washington Reoccurring Meet-Up

    What part of the Olympics and how crazy you planning? I just got this Jeep in December and been working on it, but it still have open diffs F&R, pretty sure I will not be able to get the differentials built this month.
  18. RRitchey

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    A bit of enlightening. I want to replace the upper lights with 4 inch pencil beams, but having a hard time finding ones with the proper pattern.
  19. RRitchey

    Trail Security

    Interesting subject and figured I will throw in my 2 cents. I for one always carry, my wife carries, kids carry and someday the grand kids will also. As for needing it, not lately, but many years ago I was out hunting in the middle of BFE and ran into a grow operation, I was just on the fringes...