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  1. Rexx

    Member Number? Upgrade Your Account! Read

    #5392 finally signing in
  2. Rexx

    Old mines, ghost towns, etc......

    Not quite a ghost town, bit old and or rusty! Found this on my hunt at the end of last year
  3. Rexx

    Arizona Overlanders

    Man, I need a more capable vehicle lol
  4. Rexx

    Arizona Overlanders

    The weather is great up there, I was up around happy jack probably about the same time
  5. Rexx

    Arizona Overlanders

    Ron, ya been seeing some good prices on what I'd call fair mileage.I hope to your rig at some point. There was an article donein Recoil Magazine a few months back, guy fully built his survival rig with an excursion, been fully hooked since reading
  6. Rexx

    Arizona Overlanders

    Me and my wife are currently looking to buy an early 2000 excursion, need something bigger with 3 kids and 2 dogs lol. Sounds like you have an awesome build
  7. Rexx

    Arizona Overlanders

    I'm just up the road from red mountain, easy access out of town!
  8. Rexx

    Arizona Overlanders

    I hear ya, winter is a little harder for me with the kids, so take advantage of summer all I can, black canyon lake this weekend
  9. Rexx

    Arizona Overlanders

    That's a bummer, but summer just started, plenty of time left. I'd be up for an excursion at a later date
  10. Rexx

    Arizona Overlanders

    How was the trail? I ended up cruising through punkin center, wasn't the plan but just worked out that way
  11. Rexx

    Arizona Overlanders

    That looks like an awesome trail, I'll have to do some more looking, any idea if 4x4 is required?
  12. Rexx

    Arizona Overlanders

    Well shoot, can't make it now lol. I know the area, I like to camp in Gisela just over the mountain in rye. I've hunted through that area, don't recall the name though
  13. Rexx

    Arizona Overlanders

    Where's dupont cabins ?
  14. Rexx

    Arizona Overlanders

    Went to happy jack on sat, not too bad traffic wise. I live near saguaro lake, traffic around here has been a bit crazy
  15. Rexx

    Arizona Overlanders

    Hi, finally got my membership this weekend at OEW, brown and crismon area