I like the FT-70D and especially like being able to experiment with digital communications. It’s a nice solid compact radio. On the less favorable side, the controls are limited to a single multi-function knob and mode buttons - which I guess is to be expected given the price point. I use it...
I know they're not as cheap as a Boafeng, but I picked up a Yaesu FT-70D from Gigaparts for $139. And you get the benefit of being able to experiment with digital comms too.
Bypass, or not, the Rubicon is a serious trail with serious obstacles. We did it in a Jeep JKU HR with the Jeepers Jamboree group and have the dented skid plates, door nick and rubbed fenders to prove it. The first section out of Georgetown is relatively easy, but it gets serious quickly. Coming...
Mounted my D710G under the passenger seat with a MIC extension and external speaker. IMO, it’s the only real option. FWIW, I mounted it under the passenger seat since I intend to mount a storage box under the drier seat, eventually.
@brien Got your APRS message!!! I tried to reply, but not sure it got through/sent - the message interface isn’t the most straight forward UI, and creating/entering a message using the dial is tedious at best.
I need to look into your comment that an external keyboard can be connected to the...
@brien Yes, it's on. I'll be leaving shortly so I'll check it. Thanks!
Do you have a WINS system link near you? I have one locally and it's very active and I hear stations coming out of Arizona on a regular basis.
Sounds like a nice plan, but way more ambitious than I'm able to pull off - living in a condo and working in building garage seriously limits my creativity to bolt-on and plug-n-play :^)
As a side note, it was incredibly convenient to be able to plug a soldering iron into the 110v outlet that...
Feedback / Tips from my recent experience installing a 710G in my Jeep:
1. Depending on where you plan on installing the base unit, you may need an extension cable between the MIC and base. In Kenwood's strange wisdom, they provide a fairly long cable to connect the control head to the base...
I 2nd a vote for the Kenwood TM-D710G. I just installed one in my Jeep and the capabilities are overwhelming - although configuring for APRS beacons is reasonably straight forward, but getting deeper into the features list and capabilities will take awhile.
I second the comments and also thank Pat @Commander Overlander for organizing the ham cram session and the excellent job and hosting by the SARA club! And while it was a grueling day of study, my wife and I are glad we did it and thrilled to have passed the test and can’t wait to get our Tech...
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